Ice (
Ice is a general purpose PHP-framework. You may fully rely on Ice while developing complex web-applications. Ice key features are the built-in cache support of the main components, flexible configuration and the ability to easily extend existing functionality.
Alternative repository on Bitbacket: Ice (
mkdir -p workspace/MyProject && cd workspace/MyProject && touch composer.json
workspace - your working directory (logs, caches etc.);
MyProject - the source code of your project
an example file:
"name": "vendor/my-project",
"description": "My project with Ice",
"type": "project",
"require": {
"ifacesoft/ice": "1.0.*"
"license": "proprietary",
"authors": [
"name": "dp",
"email": "[email protected]"
"minimum-stability": "stable",
"config": {
"vendor-dir": "../_vendor"
"scripts": {
"post-install-cmd": [
"post-update-cmd": [
curl -sS | php && php composer.phar install --prefer-source
After successful installation, use the generated configuration.
Ready! Your project should be available at http://myproject.local
sample /Config/Ice/Core/Route.php:
return [
'mp_page' => [
'route' => '/page/{$page}',
'params' => [
'page' => '(\d)'
'weight' => 10000,
'request' => [
'GET' => [
'Www:Layout_Main' => [
'actions' => [
['Ice:Title' => 'title', ['title' => 'Ice - Open Source PHP Framework ']],
'Www:Index' => 'main'
Important parts:
- 'mp_page' - Route name, (Uses: Route::getInstance('mp_page')->getUrl(20)) returned '/page/20' etc.)
- 'weight' - Priority of matched routes. Greater weight - greater priority.
- 'request' section - Array of available requuest methods (GET, POST etc.)
- 'request/GET' - Only one item (first) contained layout action class as key and params as value
namespace Mp\Action;
use Ice\Core\Action;
class Page extends Action
protected static function config()
return [
'view' => ['viewRenderClass' => 'Ice:Smarty', 'template' => null, 'layout' => null],
'actions' => [],
'input' => [],
'output' => [],
'cache' => ['ttl' => -1, 'count' => 1000],
'access' => [
'roles' => [],
'request' => null,
'env' => null
public function run(array $input)
2 main methods - config and run
method config - return array:
- 'view' - Define way of render output data ('viewRenderClass' - render class, 'template' - template for render, layout - template-wrapper of rendered content in emmet style)
- 'actions' - Child actions
- 'input' - Array of input params with their data providers. Also information of validators, defaults end other.
- 'output' - Фdditional sources of output (params and their data providers as well as 'input' section)
- 'ttl' - time stored in cache (now supported only 3600 :) )
- 'access' - Information to checks permissions to run action (support environment - one of 'production', 'test' or 'development' and request - one of 'cli' or 'ajax')
Select examples:
// 1.
$page = Page::getModel(20, ['title', 'desc']); // or Page::getModel(20, '*')
// 2.
$page = Page::create(['title' => 'page 20')->find([id, 'desc']);
// 3.
$page = Page::createQueryBuilder()->eq(['desc' => '20th page'])->getSelectQuery()->getModel();
Insert examples:
// 1.
Page::create(['title' => 'page 20', 'desc' => '20th page'])->save();
// 2.
Page::createQueryBuilder()->getInsertQuery(['title' => 'page 20', 'desc' => '20th page'])->getQueryResult();
Update examples:
// 1.
Page::getModel(20, ['title', 'desc'])->set(['title' => 'another title'])->save();
// 2.
Page::createQueryBuilder()->eq(['id' => 20])->getUpdateQuery(['title' => 'another title'])->getQueryResult();
Update examples:
// 1.
Page::getModel(20, '/pk')->remove();
// 2.
More info on such as:
Good luck!