This package contains some tools for processing BAM files including
- bamcollate2: reads BAM and writes BAM reordered such that alignment or collated by query name
- bammarkduplicates: reads BAM and writes BAM with duplicate alignments marked using the BAM flags field
- bammaskflags: reads BAM and writes BAM while masking (removing) bits from the flags column
- bamrecompress: reads BAM and writes BAM with a defined compression setting. This tool is capable of multi-threading.
- bamsort: reads BAM and writes BAM resorted by coordinates or query name
- bamtofastq: reads BAM and writes FastQ; output can be collated or uncollated by query name
A short list of options is available for each program by calling it with the -h parameter, e.g.
bamsort -h
The biobambam source code is hosted on github:
[email protected]:gt1/biobambam.git
biobambam needs libmaus [] . When libmaus
is installed in
- autoreconf -i -f
- ./configure --with-libmaus=${LIBMAUSPREFIX} \
- make install