#jQuery listDropDown Plugin#
Created by: Daniel J Pepin
Contact: [email protected]
This plugin will allow you to convert a list to a dropdown.
The most common use for this will be to convert a menu list to a dropdown on smaller screens.
Check out this jsFiddle. (resize the Result container to see how it works)
Simply call .listDropDown() on your list.
'minWidth' : false, // The minimum width the list should be converted.
'maxWidth' : false, // The maxiumum width the list should be converted.
'interval' : 250, // The polling interval to check screen width.
To enable the dropdown on mobile width, simply do:
// Convert list to dropdown when browser is smaller than 500px.
To enable the dropdown when the browser width is over a certain size:
// Convert list to dropdown when browser width is over 1000px.
You can give custom values to your select options by specifying the data-value attribute.
<li data-value='192003'>Dan</li>
<li data-value='193443'>Bob</li>
<li data-value='939483'>Tim</li>
This will become:
<select class='toDropDown dropdown'>
<option value='192003'>Dan</option>
<option value='193443'>Bob</option>
<option value='939483'>Tim</option>
If you don't specify the data-value attribute, the text from the list will be used as the value.
You can also specify a data-selected on your list to change the default selected index.
<ul data-selected='3'> ... </ul>
You can also specify a data-null on your list to have a null first item.
<ul data-null='-- Select a user --'> ... </ul>