Connecting Sencor SWS 12500 weather station to Home Assistant
Easy way to connect this meteorological station to Home Assistant using Node-Red and plotting graphs in Gafana
link to station: SWS12500
As the stations FW cannot handle url with /path we need a little help with http proxy. You can use your already set proxy server or setup a new one.
If you are setting new proxy there are two approaches - configuring a new server on your machine or use Home Assistants add-ons.
Follow installation guide for your system or build version for your system - nginx download page
sudo apt-get install nginx
sudo wget -P /etc/nginx/sites-available
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/weatherstation.nginx.conf /ect/nginx/sites-enabled/weatherstation
sudo systemctl restart nginx
In Home Assistant go to Addons and install
Nginx Proxy Manager
you need MariaDB installed (in HA addons) to run Proxy Manager correctly -
tab set appropriate ports for you configuration
HTTP/SSL Entrance port: you need to set this value form 443 to something else because port 443 will be in use
HTTP Entrance port: this is your port for communicating with station throught your proxy server
NGinx Proxy Manager Admin web interface: port of administration web page
Now you can start your Proxy Manager. First start will take a while - be patient
- While
Nginx Proxy Manager
is running, go to administraion page.
First login
user:[email protected]
Save and you are done with http proxy!
Now you need to configure your station in AP mode to send data to your local HA installation.
- hold WiFi button on the back of station for 6 seconds until AP will flash on display.
- select your station from available AP on your computer
- connect to stations setup page:
from your browser - in the third URL section fill in address to your local HA installation
URL: IP address of your http proxy set in HA or server Station ID: not needed. Might be filled in for security reasons
Station Key: not needed. Might be filled in for security reasons
you can change /weatherstation
to whatever you want, but you have to change NR configuration appropriately.
To receive data from your station you need to add Node-Red flow
- Download
and import it to Node-Red
The flow implements MQTT discovery so the sensor will show in Home assistant automatically under name: sencorsws12500
First of all you need to create station on Windy stations
After registering your station to you will get API key which will be used in NR flow.
- download
and add this function withhttp request
to NR - make sure to update
inwindy function
to match your data
lat: your latitude
lon: your longitude
elevation: your elevation
tempheight: sensor elevation above ground level
windheight: sensor elevation above ground level
And you are done. will now show you data.