The following guide walks through setting up Concourse for PCF on homelab. This is for demo and sandbox activities only and does not represent a production ready implementation. The following Pivotal documentation drove this effort: The process should take about 30 minutes
Get the supported credhub version from Concourse for PCF docs
NOTE: Update the tag version in ./scripts/
First you need to setup a dedicated BOSH director for Concourse. The following steps were guided by
- Create the bosh environment
You will need to update the variables passed in below with the ones provided by your environment
Example ./scripts/ foopassword
- Setup alias and update the bosh/cloud-config.yml file
Now you are ready for the concourse installation.
- Use Pivnet to retrieve stemcells and then upload into bosh
See Concourse Compatibility for supported stemcells
Identify the stemcell version and slug
Download stemcell (this is to ensure you have accepted the eula)
Your token may be found at ~/.pivnetrc
./scripts/ $PIVNET_API_TOKEN 250.29 352509
- Deploy Concourse
Get the supported credhub version from Concourse for PCF docs Go to to get the sha1 for the version Check that you have the right versions of concourse, postgres, uaa, and garden_runc while you are at it
Update the variables with specifics from your environment
Helpful guides:
For a uaa/credhub solution...
- Create concourse user
./scripts/ concourse PasswOrd
- Test access
fly login -t lab -c -k
# Go to the url presented in the login prompt and authenticate with the newly created user
# using fly and chome on seperate computers, go to /sky/token and copy the content of the page and then enter into the fly prompt for token
fly -t lab set-team -n team-uaa-oauth --oauth-user concourse --non-interactive
credhub api --ca-cert <(bosh int generated/concourse/concourse-gen-vars.yml --path /atc_tls/ca)
export CREDHUB_SECRET=$(bosh int generated/concourse/concourse-gen-vars.yml --path /credhub_admin_secret)
credhub login --client-name credhub_admin
credhub set --type value --name '/concourse/main/hello' --value 'World'
fly -t lab set-pipeline -p hello-credhub -c test-pipeline/pipeline.yaml -n
fly -t lab unpause-pipeline -p hello-credhub
fly -t lab trigger-job -j hello-credhub/hello-credhub -w
If you see "Hello World" at the end then you passed your test!
./scripts/ can be renamed to (which is listed in .gitignore). With that, you can replace redacted secrets with those that you want to put in credhub. This will be necessary for the platform automation activity
Folling from docs
bosh \
upload-release \
--sha1 364838c384f2edec80866b4abf2397c4c5d15c62 \