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roon - Command line control of the Roon Audio System


roon [ -EuU ] [ -L ] [ -S ] [ -l albums | artists | artalbums | composers | genres | genalbums | genartists | playlists | tags | zones ] [ -A album ] [ -a artist ] [ -C composer ] [ -g genre ] [ -p playlist ] [ -r radio ] [ -t tag ] [ -s search ] [-v volume] [ -z zone ] [ -G zone_group ] [ -c group | ungroup | play | play_all | pause | pause_all | stop | stop_all | next | previous | shuffle | repeat | mute | mute_all ] [ -T track ]


The roon command acts as a front-end for executing the RoonCommandLine project commands to provide Command Line control of the Roon Audio System over a local area network. Roon Command Line commands utilize the Python Roon API to communicate with the Roon Core.

Command line Roon control provides support for:

  • Play album by album name
  • Play artist name
  • Play album by artist
  • Play tracck by artist
  • Play genre
  • Play album in genre
  • Play artist in genre
  • Play playlist by playlist name
  • Play tag
  • Play Roon Live Radio
  • Issue one of the following commands in the specified zone
    • group
    • ungroup
    • play
    • play_all (begin playback in all zones)
    • pause
    • pause_all (pause playback in all zones)
    • playpause
    • stop
    • stop_all (stop playback in all zones and release devices)
    • next
    • previous
    • mute (toggles the muted/unmuted volome in the selected zone or zone group)
    • mute_all (toggles the muted/unmuted volome in all zones)
    • shuffle (toggles shuffle/unshuffle playback in the selected zone or zone group)
    • repeat (toggles looped/non-looped playback in the selected zone or zone group)
  • List albums, artists, albums by artist, albums by genre, artists by genre, genres, composers, playlists, tags, or Roon zones
  • Set the default Roon output zone
  • Adjust the volume level of a specified Roon zone or zone grouping
  • Select Roon audio zone or zone grouping

In addition, search capabilities have been added to the scripts with partial matching facilities. Thus a substring can be supplied to use as a search term with partial matching returning albums, artists, playlists, genres, or tags which contain the specified substring (case sensitive). The special search term "all" indicates match all albums, artists, playlists, genres, or tags.

All commands and playback can target a specified Roon output zone.

Note: No modifications are made to the Roon Core. The RoonCommandLine package resides entirely on other systems within your local area network.

Additional detail and info can be found in the RoonCommandLine Wiki.


-u : Display full usage message with examples

-E : Display examples

-U : Display usage message with no examples

-A album : Selects an album to play

-a artist : Selects an artist to play

-C composer : Selects a composer to play

-g genre : Selects a genre to play

-p playlist : Selects a playlist to play

-G zone_group : Specifies a zone grouping specified in roon_api.ini

-L : Setup roon to execute local commands rather than remote via SSH

-S : Set Roon defaults in roon_api.ini

-l [albums | artists | artalbums | composers | genres | genalbums | genartists | playlists | tags | zones] : Indicates list albums, artists, albums by artist, composers, genres, albums in genre, artists in genre, playlists, tags, or Roon zones

-r radio : Selects a live radio stream to play

-s search : Specifies a term to search for in the lists retrieved with -l

-T track : Selects an track to play

-t tag : Selects an tag to play

-v volume : Sets the volume level of a Roon zone or zone grouping

The volume argument has the format [g:][r:][s:]num where:

'g' indicates set volume for all zones in the zone grouping

'r' specifies use relative method volume setting

's' specifies use relative_step method volume setting

'num' can be absolute (in the range 0-100) or relative (negative or positive)

Outputs are queried and the specified volume level converted to dB if necessary

-z zone : Selects the Roon Zone in which to play

-c [group | ungroup | play | play_all | pause | pause_all | playpause | stop | stop_all | next | previous | shuffle | repeat | mute | mute_all] : Issues the command in the selected zone or all zones (mute_all, play_all, pause_all, stop_all)

Combine '-a artist' and '-A album' to play an album by a specified artist Combine '-a artist' and '-T track' to play a track by a specified artist Combine '-a artist' or '-A album' with '-g genre' to play an artist or album in a specified genre

Special search term __all__ matches all entries Special name default plays the default setting in roon_api.ini


Roon utilizes two configuration files, /usr/local/Roon/etc/pyroonconf and /usr/local/Roon/etc/roon_api.ini

Default settings are applied during the RoonCommandLine installation process. The primary area of post-installation configuration is setting the ZONEGROUPS and DEFAULT values in the file /usr/local/Roon/etc/roon_api.ini. The RoonCommandLine installation attempts to automate this configuration and should have provided a good starting point with default settings in roon_api.ini but you may wish to adjust these.

In Roon, you can view your existing zones by visiting Settings->Audio. The names of the enabled audio devices are your zones. You can change the name of a zone by clicking the "pencil" icon next to the name in the Roon audio settings screen.

Modify roon_api.ini with your desired zone groupings and default values. In particular, set the DefaultZone value in the DEFAULT section to a zone that will be available, enabled, and one you wish to use as your primary default fallback zone. The installation picked a DefaultZone for you and you may be satisfied with that automatic setting.

Note, the DefaultZone setting is used when no zone is specified, RoonCommandLine commands all accept a -z zone argument that can be used to specify the zone to be used as well as a -G that can be used to specify the zone grouping to use.

Note also that should you change the name of a Roon audio device in the future then that name change will also need to be reflected in the roon_api.ini groupings.

If you wish to enable remote exection of the RoonCommandLine tools then it is necessary to setup SSH public key authentication. The RoonCommandLine utilities can be executed locally on the same system they are installed on by enabling local access with the roon -L command. This avoids the need to enable SSH public key authentication but restricts your use of the RoonCommandLine tools to the system on which they are installed.


roon -a "Deep Purple" : Play artist

roon -a "Jethro Tull" -z "Mac Pro DAC" : Play artist in specified zone

roon -g Classical : Play genre

roon -r default : Play default live radio

roon -p "Bowie Favs" : Play playlist

roon -c next : Play next track

roon -c stop -z Kitchen : Stop play in specified zone

roon -c mute -z "Mac Pro DAC" : Mute/Unmute a specified zone

roon -c mute_all : Mute/Unmute all zones

roon -l playlists -s Best : List all playlists containing the string 'Best'

roon -G foobar -c group : Group the zones listed in roon_api.ini Group_foobar

roon -v 50 : Set the volume level to 50 in the currently active zone

roon -v r:-10 : Decrease the volume level by 10 in the currently active zone

roon -v g:40 -z "Mac Pro DAC" : Set the volume level to 40 in all zones grouped with the zone named "Mac Pro DAC"

roon -v g:r:20 -z "Mac Pro DAC" : Increase the volume level by 20 in all zones grouped with the zone named "Mac Pro DAC"

roon -c stop_all : Stop play in all zones and release devices

NOTE: Use quotes to specify media names which contain spaces. For example, to play the album 'Love Bomb': roon -A "Love Bomb"


Written by Ron Record [email protected]


RoonCommandLine is distributed under an Open Source license. See the file LICENSE in the RoonCommandLine source distribution for information on terms & conditions for accessing and otherwise using RoonCommandLine.


Submit bug reports online at:


clone_pyroon(1), get_core_ip(1), get_zone_info(1), get_zones(1), list_albums(1), list_artist_albums(1), list_artists(1), list_composers(1), list_genre_albums(1), list_genre_artists(1), list_genres(1), list_playlists(1), list_radio(1), list_tags(1), list_zones(1), play_album(1), play_artist(1), play_artist_album(1), play_artist_track(1), play_composer(1), play_genre(1), play_genre_album(1), play_genre_artist(1), play_playlist(1), play_radio(1), play_tag(1), roon(1), set_volume(1), set_zone(1), set_zone_group(1), zone_command(1)

Full documentation, installation packages, and sources at:

Information on the Roon Core System can be found at

The Roon Command Line utilities utilize the Python Roon API to communicate with the Roon Core System.