My deployment spec for dock0
This has the necessary files for dock0 to run dock0 install
- config.yaml -- defines version of kernel, rootfs, and initrd to use when building the VM
- templates -- has the grub config templates to lay down so the VM can boot
The dev/update.rb
script checks GitHub to see if any of the artifacts have updated versions.
The vm_updater Docker container will automate deploying this spec
docker run -ti -e REPO= -v /run/vm/bootmnt:/run/vm/bootmnt
To use an alternate branch for the installation, specify it via the environment:
# this will use the dev branch
docker run -ti -e BRANCH=dev -e REPO= -v /run/vm/bootmnt:/run/vm/bootmnt
These scripts and config files are released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.