Scripts to use the official "ethereum/go-client" docker image.
To generate a genesis.json
Boots up a new block chain. Peek at the containers by running make ps
$ make ps
xxxxxxx ethereum/client-go:v1.8.12 ethereum-node2
xxxxxxx ethereum/client-go:v1.8.12 ethereum-node1
xxxxxxx ethereum/client-go:alltools-v1.8.12 ethereum-bootnode
To create initial accounts
adam = personal.newAccount("pwd")
eve = personal.newAccount("pwd")
Take the id of an account you created and use it to start your miner
ETHERBASE=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 make start_miner
And that will start a container where all mined coins are credited to that account.
Wait a long while for some coin to get created then transfer funds
$ make attach_node1
adam = eth.accounts[0]
eve = eth.accounts[1]
eth.sendTransaction({from: adam, to: eve, value: web3.toWei(4, "ether")})
A miner must be running to verify the transaction and it takes a bit for the transfer to go through.
adam = eth.accounts[0]
web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(adam), "ether");
We have scripted a number of common tasks. Run make
to see list of commands:
$ make
# Help
init init the genesis.json file
start_nodes start 2 nodes
start_miner start 1 miner
seal run sealer
stop stop everything
clean reset everything
bash launch a bash with 'ethereum/client-go:alltools'
ps see all docker containers
show_node show node peers
show_miner show miner peers
attach_miner attach to miner 1
attach_node1 attach to node 1
attach_node2 attach to node 2
list_accounts list all ethereum accounts
copy_keystore copy keystore
To isolate your private Ethereum network from the main public one it does not require an isolated physical network at all. Its nodes can still reside on the Internet and yet implement a closed private Ethereum network.
This '' allows the user to define environment variables that will reflect on a particular (and predictable) genesis block, therefore creating an Ethereum network that cannot interact with another one. This is done when the script generates a 'genesis.json' file that is mounted on each node's container.
Those variables are:
- GEN_NONCE: any value your nodes agree upon, the default is "0xeddeadbabeeddead"
- GEN_CHAIN_ID: any integer value your nodes agree upon, the default is 1981
A bootnode is a "dumb" node in the network that aids other nodes on P2P discovery and does not count as a peer.
The nodes are peers and maintain the blockchain
The miner works the blockchain and gets paid for it.
The provided utility scripts are meant for local development use and rely on local volumes to persist data. For example, the script <node_name>
creates a local volume ".ether-<node_name>" at the current folder. When using this container in production you should try another strategy to guarantee the node portability.
The folders art
- .bootnode
- .ether-<node_name>
- .ether-<miner_name>