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ben-sangster edited this page Nov 10, 2010 · 1 revision


Main window API. The main window itself contains docks and widgets. It cannot be accessed directly -- instead, the API is used for all manipulation of the main window.

Associated Types




Widget mainWindow ()

Widget centralWidget ([ Widget w])

Bool close ()

DockWidget createDockWidget (String name, [ Widget w])

DockWidget createDock (String name, [DockWidgetArea a, [Widget widget]])

DockWidget createDock (String name, [Object o, [Widget widget]])

  • If the second argument given is an object, it must have a valid area field. It can also have floating, visible, allowedAreas, features.

Bool addDock (DockWidget dw, DockWidgetArea area)

Bool addDock (String widgetName, DockWidgetArea area)

Bool removeDock (DockWidget dw)

Bool removeDock (String widgetName)

Action addMenu (self, String MenuName, String MenuOption, [String iconName], String shortcut, Function f)

Action addMenu (self, String MenuName, Object {text, icon, shortcut}, Function f)

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