We will do a small project that imports Amazon S3 public data and runs a machine learning algorithm called random forest to classify whether a high school is public or private based on multiple variables. The set is then encapsulated in a wrapper to transform any script and thus idea into a microservice that can be dockerizer and put into production on any existing cloud.
The aims of this meetup is to turn your R script as an experimental microservice.
Thanks to space-time of Poincaré-Minkowski it exist people that can do fast prototyping.
Each click on the keyboard must have an immediate impact in reality.
R-Cran : https://cran.r-project.org/
RStudio : https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/
install.packages("randomForest", dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("plumber", dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("dplyr", dependencies = TRUE)
- Farmer.
- Programmer.
- Student.
- Baker, mostly baker.
A- High school with only L, ES and S;
B- High school with only L, ES, S and STMG;
C- High school with L, ES, S, STMG and other series;
D- High school with L, ES, S and other non-STMG series;
E- Hotel school;
F- Other high school with no more than three series;
G- Other high school with at least four sets.
curl --data '{"ntree":500, "na_default":"na.roughfix"}' "http://localhost/meetup"
curl --data '{"ntree":500, "na_default":"na.omit"}' "http://localhost/meetup"
You have to run this commands inside the working repository
docker build -t microservice .
docker run --rm -p 80:8000 microservice
Now you just have to push your images on your desired cloud inside a docker containers.