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djnzx committed Oct 7, 2023
1 parent d9fde0d commit f603c31
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Showing 5 changed files with 325 additions and 0 deletions.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions ce3/src/main/scala/_playground/Sketch11.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package _playground

import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp}
import cats.implicits._

import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt

object Sketch11 extends App {

val data = List(1, 2, 3, 4)

val s: String = data
.map(x => x.toString)
.reduce( (s1, s2) => s1 + ", "+ s2 )

val min = data.reduce( (x1, x2) => math.min(x1, x2) )
val max = data.reduce( (x1, x2) => math.max(x1, x2) )
val sum = data.reduce( (x1, x2) => x1 + x2 )
val prd = data.reduce( (x1, x2) => x1 * x2 )

val m1: Int = data.min
val m2: Option[Int] = data.minOption

println(s) // "1, 2, 3, 4"
println(min) // 1
println(max) // 4
println(sum) // 10
println(prd) // 24

173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions ce3/src/main/scala/gas104/DomainSpec.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
package gas104

import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.effect.kernel.Async
import cats.effect.kernel.Resource
import cats.implicits._
import gas104.domain._
import gas104.domain.api._
import io.circe.parser
import io.circe.syntax.EncoderOps
import java.time.Instant
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import org.http4s.Response
import org.http4s.blaze.client.BlazeClientBuilder
import org.http4s.client.Client
import org.scalatest.Succeeded
import org.scalatest.funspec.AnyFunSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

class DomainSpec extends AnyFunSpec with Matchers {

describe("Row object") {

val rowObj: Row = Row(
"20.07.2023 07:00",

val rowRaw =
| "dt" : "20.07.2023 07:00",
| "counter_reading" : "0.81",
| "consumption" : 0.0,
| "created_at_timestamp" : 1689800400

it("encodes properly") {
rowObj.asJson.spaces2 shouldBe rowRaw

it("decodes properly") {
parser.decode[Row](rowRaw) shouldBe rowObj.asRight


describe("data") {

val dataObj: Data = Data(
error = None,
data = Seq(
"20.07.2023 07:00",
"21.07.2023 07:00",

val rawData =
| "error" : null,
| "data" : [
| {
| "dt" : "20.07.2023 07:00",
| "counter_reading" : "0.81",
| "consumption" : 0.0,
| "created_at_timestamp" : 1689800400
| },
| {
| "dt" : "21.07.2023 07:00",
| "counter_reading" : "0.81",
| "consumption" : 0.0,
| "created_at_timestamp" : 1689886800
| }
| ]

it("encodes properly") {
dataObj.asJson.spaces2 shouldBe rawData

it("decodes properly") {
parser.decode[Data](rawData) shouldBe dataObj.asRight


describe("convertor") {

it("apiRow -> URow") {
val rowFrom104: Row = Row(
"20.07.2023 07:00",

val uRowExpected = URow(
LocalDateTime.of(2023, 7, 20, 7, 0),
counter = 0.81,
delta = 0.0,
createdAt = Instant.parse("2023-07-19T21:00:00Z")

URow.from(rowFrom104) shouldBe uRowExpected


describe("instant playground") {
val ts: Long = 1696539600L
val instant: Instant = Instant.ofEpochSecond(ts) // 2023-10-05T21:00:00Z // "06.10.2023 07:00"

it("3") {


describe("http") {

def body[F[_] : Concurrent](rs: Response[F]): F[String] =

def mkHttpClient[F[_]: Async]: Resource[F, Client[F]] =

def mkRequest[F[_]: Concurrent](client: Client[F]) = {
import org.http4s.circe.CirceEntityCodec.circeEntityDecoder

def representData[F[_]: Sync](payload: Data): F[Unit] =
.traverse_ { x: Row =>
val r = URow.from(x)
val line = (r.dateTime, r.counter,

it("1") {

it("stub tun trigger compilation") {


20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions ce3/src/main/scala/gas104/GasApp.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package gas104

import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.IOApp
import io.circe.generic.AutoDerivation
import io.circe.generic.extras.Configuration
import io.circe.generic.extras.semiauto.{deriveConfiguredDecoder, deriveConfiguredEncoder}
import io.circe.syntax.EncoderOps
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder}

object GasApp extends IOApp.Simple {

override def run: IO[Unit] = IO{


36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions ce3/src/main/scala/gas104/Htttp.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package gas104

import org.http4s.Headers
import org.http4s.MediaType
import org.http4s.Method
import org.http4s.Request
import org.http4s.RequestCookie
import org.http4s.UrlForm
import org.http4s.headers._
import org.http4s.implicits.http4sLiteralsSyntax

object Htttp {

object PhpSessionId {
def apply(value: String): RequestCookie = RequestCookie("PHPSESSID", value)

val uri = uri""
val headers = Headers(

val payload = UrlForm(
"account_no" -> "", // 0800xxxxxx
"meter_no" -> "",
"period_type" -> "y",
"end_date" -> "2023-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"

def rq[F[_]] = Request[F](Method.POST, uri)

64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions ce3/src/main/scala/gas104/domain.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package gas104

import io.circe.Decoder
import io.circe.Encoder
import io.circe.generic.AutoDerivation
import io.circe.generic.extras.Configuration
import io.circe.generic.extras.semiauto.deriveConfiguredDecoder
import io.circe.generic.extras.semiauto.deriveConfiguredEncoder
import io.scalaland.chimney.dsl.TransformerOps

import java.time.Instant
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.format.{DateTimeFormatter, DateTimeFormatterBuilder}
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField

object domain {

object api {

case class Row(
dt: String,
counterReading: String,
consumption: Double,
createdAtTimestamp: Long)

object Row {
implicit val config: Configuration = Configuration.default.withSnakeCaseMemberNames
implicit val encoder: Encoder[Row] = deriveConfiguredEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Row] = deriveConfiguredDecoder

case class Data(error: Option[String], data: Seq[Row])

object Data extends AutoDerivation


val gasDtFormatter: DateTimeFormatter = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
.appendValue(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH, 2)
.appendValue(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR, 2)
.appendValue(ChronoField.YEAR, 4)
.appendLiteral(' ')
.appendValue(ChronoField.HOUR_OF_DAY, 2)
.appendValue(ChronoField.MINUTE_OF_HOUR, 2)

case class URow(dateTime: LocalDateTime, counter: Double, delta: Double, createdAt: Instant)
object URow {

def from(apiRow: api.Row): URow =
.withFieldComputed(_.dateTime, x => LocalDateTime.parse(x.dt, gasDtFormatter))
.withFieldComputed(_.counter, x => x.counterReading.toDouble)
.withFieldComputed(_.createdAt, x => Instant.ofEpochSecond(x.createdAtTimestamp))



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