Flutter plugin to display VGS Card info using TextView or View
Add the dependency in your pubspec.yaml
url: git://github.com/djamoapp/flutter-vgs-cardinfo-plugin.git
This widget displays only one VGS card data using the token.
key: Key("<token_key>"),
id: "<token_key>",
token: "<pan_token>",
vaultId: VAULT_ID, // Refers to a constant declaration
path: DJAMO_VGS_PATH, // Refers to a constant declaration
This widget comes with the copyContent method that copy the content of a VgsTextView rendered
VgsTextView.copyContent(id: "<token_key>");
This widget displays all VGS card data in one view
VgsCardInfoConfig _vgsCardInfoConfig = VgsCardInfoConfig(
cvvToken: "<cvvToken>",
expiryDateToken: "<expiryDateToken>",
nameToken: "<nameToken>",
panToken: "<panToken>",
vgsPath: DJAMO_VGS_PATH, // Refers to a constant declaration
vgsVaultId: VAULT_ID, // Refers to a constant declaration
vgsCardInfoConfig: _vgsCardInfoConfig,
This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package, a specialized package that includes platform-specific implementation code for Android and/or iOS.
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