- replace karma.conf.js with Gruntfile
- create Grunt default task with (watch and karma)
- implement a service test
- implement a mock test
- debugg --> enable debugging in browser to stop browser
- mock.dump(object)
- bower?
- yeoman
- tests
- controllers
- Angular Zen (x)
- Building and Testing (x 2013.10.10)
- Communicating with a Back-end Server
- Displaying and Formatting Data
- Creating Advanced Forms (x 2013.11.27)
- Organizing Navigation (x 2013.11.27)
- Securing Your Application (x 2013.11.29)
- Building Your Own Directives
- Building Advanced Directives
- Building AngularJS Web Applications for an International Audience
- Writing Robust AngularJS Web Applications
- Packaging and Deploying AngularJS Web Applications