Releases: diverted247/txtjs
Releases · diverted247/txtjs
txtjs v0.9.5
- Fix NaN issue with kerning found in Safari 10.1 (Related to ES6 impl)
- Updated ReadMe
- CreateJS 0.8.2 compatibility
txtjs v0.9.4
- Fix for no fill hit area for events on characters
- Added child event syntax to constructor with .block, .lines, .words, .characters,
- Docs updated
Special thanks to Matt Habel for the pull request.
txtjs v0.9.3
- Fix for last character fit in PathText and CharacterText
- .initialTracking and .initialOffset added to txt.PathText
- .renderMode = false for using Text/CharacterText/PathText for layout metrics (multi-path layout)
- Fix for Character rotation in PathText (last char and over start/end gap)
- Fix for txt.PathText .autoReduce and .autoExpand
- Docs updated
txtjs v0.9.2
- Adds Font Caching via txt.FontLoader.cache = true & txt.FontLoader.version
- Adds .renderCycle option
- Adds PathText Vertical Alignment options XHeight, Ascent, Percent and .valignPercent property
- Examples updated
- Docs updated
txtjs v0.9.0
- txt.PathText & txt.Path added
- txt.Accessiblity added
- API Doc generation
- AutoExpand and AutoReduce enhancements to CharacterText and PathText
- Examples updated
txtjs v0.8.8
- Tracking tuneup
- txt.CharacterText.singleLine - Force single line behavior
- txt.CharacterText.autoExpand - Expand tracking to fit width
- txt.CharacterText.autoReduce - Contract tracking, then size to fit width
- txt.CharacterText.overset - Detect overset conditions and stop rendering characters
- txt.CharacterText.oversetIndex - Marks the index where overset occurs
- Examples updated
txtjs v0.8.6
- Update txtjs support for CreateJS 0.8.0 Release
- Examples updated
txtjs v0.8.5
- Fix txt.Text wrapping when newline and natural break align
- Added new Examples for wrapping error case
- Examples updated
txtjs v0.8.4
- Fix txt.Text wrapping and vertical alignment with lineHeight
- Added new Examples for wrapping and lineHeight
- Examples updated
txtjs v0.8.3
- Fix txt.Text natural newline extra wrap when width exceeded in single word after newline char
- Examples for Graphics.decodeSVGPath
- Example test for wrapping in single word in txt.Text
- Examples updated