A web-based application which gives Today's and Tomorrow's weather forecast of a given city
Note This Repo is a mirror please visit https://gitlab.com/dipankardas011/Weather-App
Link for azure Prod env -> https://weather-app-01.azurewebsites.net/
Link for azure Webapp created by Azure devops -> https://weather-app-az-pipe-sdc34f3cwe3.azurewebsites.net/
- Javascript
- API calls and how to manage them
- Azure container & app service
- Azure DevOps
- Kubernetes
- Docker
- Used gitlab for its CI/CD
- Used Kubernetes prod cluster in Okteto
- Used github for Azure DevOps pipeline
- stable release on the azure LINK
- Docker hub image name
- K8s environment (okteto) LINK
- latest -> main
- azure & docker specific version -> v${number}