A curated list of awesome Qt and QML libraries, resources, projects, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-cpp and other awesome lists.
Pull requests of new projects/apps/libraries are welcome :)
- Awesome Qt/QML
- Android
- Apple iOS
- Async
- Binding
- Blockchain
- Compression
- Cryptography
- Database
- Development
- Editor Integration
- Game Engine
- Graphics
- Hardware
- Images
- JavaScript
- Logging
- Math
- Misc
- Multimedia
- Networking
- Package Manager
- QML Specific
- SDKs
- Styling
- Templates
- Testing
- Trading
- Visualization
- Web Frameworks
- X11/Wayland
- Software
- androidnative.pri - Calling Android functions from Qt without using JNI.
- quickandroid - QML Theme and Component Library for Android.
- QuteLauncher - QML Android Launcher.
- QtVlcMediaPlayer - LibVLC integrated Qt QML MediaPlayer for Android.
- qmlcontactlist - The easy way to extend contacts from android to qml.
- qml-filedialog - Qt Quick File picker.
- QtAndroidTools ✨ - QtAndroidTools is a library that allows to simplify access to some native Android features from QML.
- quickios - QML Theme and Component Library for iOS.
- CuteContacts-iOS - Qt/QML-based clone of iOS7 contacts application UI.
- QuickStreams - An asynchronous programming library for the QML programming language (source).
- asyncfuture - AsyncFuture - Use QFuture like a Promise object.
- quickpromise - Quick Promise - QML Promise Library.
- quickfuture - Using QFuture in QML.
- Language Bindings - List of available bindings, maintained in the Qt Wiki.
- Language Bindings - List of language bindings, maintained on Wikipedia.
- Qml.Net - Qml.Net is cross-platform integration of Qml/QtQuick for .NET Core/.NET Framework/Mono. It is a binding that brings .NET types into JavaScript with full interoperability.
- DOtherside - C language library for creating bindings for the Qt QML language.
- Bindgen - Binding and wrapper generator for C++ libraries, focused on Crystal.
- qt5.cr - Bindings to Crystal via Bindgen.
- PyQt ✨- PyQt is a set of Python v2 and v3 bindings for Qt and runs on all platforms supported by Qt including Windows, MacOS/X and Linux. PyQt5 supports Qt v5.
- PySide ✨- The PySide project provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for the Qt. It also includes complete toolchain for rapidly generating bindings for any Qt-based C++ class hierarchies.
- PyOtherSide - A Qt 5 QML Plugin that provides access to a Python 3 interpreter from QML.
- go-qt ✨ - Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS.
- qmetaobject-rs - A framework empowering everyone to create Qt/QML applications with Rust.
- qmlrs - qmlrs allows the use of QML/QtQuick code from Rust.
- libqmlbind - A C library for creating QML bindings for other languages easily through exporting objects to QML.
- lablqml - Let's write QML/QtQuick GUI's for OCaml and Reason.
- pythonqt - A library for embedding Python into your application.
- cxx-qt ✨ - Safe interop between Rust and Qt.
- Bitcoin GUI - QML Cross Platform Utility Library.
- Monero GUI - QML Cross Platform Utility Library.
- CellFrame Dashboard - QML Cross Platform Utility Library.
- Stellar - Stellar Core.
- TON - The Open Network (TON) is a fast, secure, scalable blockchain focused on handling millions of transactions per second (TPS) with the goal of reaching hundreds of millions of blockchain users.
- EtherWall - Ethereum QT5 Wallet.
- Web3Qml - Web3 for Qml makes compatible web3js dist for using in Qt Qml projects.
- StellarQtSDK - QML Cross Platform Utility Library.
- CryptoSwap ✨ - Crypto swap concept based on Qt Quick Technology.
- QtEtherscan - Qt library for the Etherscan API.
- KArchive - A library for creating, reading, writing and manipulating file archives like zip and tar. It also provides transparent compression and decompression of data, using formats like gzip, via a subclass of QIODevice.
- Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA) - Taking a hint from the similarly-named Java Cryptography Architecture, QCA aims to provide a straightforward and cross-platform crypto API, using Qt datatypes and conventions.
- QxOrm - QxOrm library is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) library for C++/Qt developers.
- QtMongo - Bindings for QML to MongoDB.
- QmlSql - A couple of wrapper classes that are for QSql.
- qtleveldb - Qt/QML wrapper for Google's LevelDB.
- sqlite-editor-qtqml - A SQLite Editor written in Qt+QML.
- Nut ✨ - Advanced, Powerful and easy to use ORM for Qt5
- EasyQtSql - Advanced, Powerful and easy to use ORM for Qt5.
- QXlsx ✨ - QXlsx is excel file(*.xlsx) reader/writer library.
- QtOrm ✨ - Object-Relational Mapping Module for Qt .
- SORM ✨ - Eloquent like ORM for Qt.
- QtOdoo ✨ - Eloquent like ORM for Qt.
- QORMLite - A simple QT ORM for SQLite databases .
- QHot - Hot reload of nested QML projects.
- qml-online - WebAssembly QML viewer.
- qml-livereload - Simple QtQuick app live viewer.
- hotloader.pri - Hot Reload QML Files.
- terrariumapp - UI Prototyping Tool for Coders (source).
- qmlfmt - command line application that formats QML files.
- QmlExplorer - A Qt QML running environment and examples explorer app.
- doxyqml - Doxyqml turns .qml into pseudo-C++ which Doxygen can then use to generate documentation.
- Qmljsify - Convert an NPM package into a QML friendly JavaScript file.
- qml-quickstart - QML kickstart boilerplate with live reload and HTTP caching.
- qmlscriptconsole - The QML Script Console.
- vim-qml - QML syntax highlighting for vim.
- qml-mode - Qt Declarative UI (QML) mode for Emacs.
- Sublime-QML - QML support for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3.
- intellij-qml - QML support for IntelliJ-based IDEs.
- atom-language-qml - QML language support for Atom.
- qml-vscode ✨ - QML Syntax Highlighting for Visual Studio Code.
- Bacon2D - Bacon2D is a framework to ease 2D game development, providing ready-to-use QML elements representing basic game entities needed by most of games.
- QmlOgre - Integrates Ogre3D into Qt QML scenes by rendering Ogre to FBOs.
- qml-box2d - Box2D QML plugin.
- Chart.qml - Chart.qml like Chart.js.
- qml-ogdf - This plug-in provides a binding of Open Graph Drawing Framework to QtQML (Version 5.0+).
- qml_framerate - Display QML Window frame rate (FPS).
- qml-shader-effects - QML Shader Effects for Qt6.
- Qwt ✨ - Qwt - Qt Widgets for Technical Applications.
- JKQtPlotter ✨ - This is an extensive C++ library for data visualization, plotting and charting for Qt.
- qml-cvcamera - CVCamera is a QML wrapper for fast camera access using OpenCV. It works on desktop and Android.
- pot - Raspberry Pi accelerated video/image rendering with Qt: custom QML components and QtMultimedia backend.
- QtJoysticks - The QJoysticks library allows your Qt application to read input from both real joysticks/gamepads (using SDL) and a virtual joystick (using the keyboard).
- Qt Touch Bar - A QML item for the Apple Touch Bar
- QML-Loaders - Loading animation implementations in QML.
- qqr.js - QML bindings for qr.js Javascript QR code library.
- imagequick - Simple image browser written in QML.
- QMLExif - QMLExif is a pulgin for reading exif infomation from image file by libexif.
- QML-ImageProvider - Demonstrate how to use QQuickImageProvider to provide a stream of image to QML.
- SCodes ✨ - Qt & QML wrapper for ZXing-C++ Library with ready-made QML items for decoding and generating 1D and 2D barcodes (aka. QR codes).
- Node.qml - Node.qml is an effort to provide a Node.js compatibility layer to QML applications.
- Quickly - ES6 and Node.js-like environment for QML.
- quicknative - Native components for QML.
- quickflux - QuickFlux is an implementation of Flux Application Architecture Framework from Facebook.
- qredux - Redux for QML.
- qml_underscorejs - A port of underscore.js to Qt/QML.
- react-qml - A bridge library that allows to use React.js with QML.
- qml-browserify - Browserify for QML (archived, moved to GitLab).
- Qondrite - QML wrapper for Asteroid, a Javascript Meteor client library.
- qml-lodash - Simple Lodash wrapper to ease its usage in QML.
- qsyncable - A solution of nested Json List Model.
- spine-qml-converter - Converts Spine by Esoteric Software export json format into native QML items and animations.
- qmllogging - Single-header only, Easylogging++ wrapper for advanced logging support for QML applications (unmaintained).
- QmlLogger - Simple Javascript Based Logger For QML.
- biginteger - QML BigInteger library.
- QCustomPlot - is a Qt C++ widget for plotting and data visualization.
- qmlweb - A QML engine in a web browser.
- qmlwebdriver - QtWebDriver is a WebDriver implementation for Qt.
- qml-virtualkey - Pure QML in-app virtual key/keyboard/pad.
- textsecure-qml - TextSecure UI in Go and QML.
- poor-maps - Maps and navigation.
- qml-presentation-system - This is a slide presentation system written in QML.
- qtshell - Manipulate files by a shell command style API.
- sparkqml - SparkQML - A QML Document Viewer for State and Transition Preview.
- qmlweb-parser - A QML parser in JavaScript.
- qml-creative-controls - QML controls for creative applications and creative coding.
- qtci - Collection of scripts to build Qt application in command line environment.
- qml-gnatt - QML Gantt - An efficient implementation of a gantt chart library for qml.
- qml-chilitags - QMLChilitags is a QML wrapper for the fiducial marker tracker Chilitags.
- phoneME-QML - QML interface for phoneME, which allows you to run Java MIDlets (JaveME, MIDP).
- QtQuickVcp - A Virtual Control Panel for Machinekit written in Qt/C++/QML.
- qmlcore - QML to HTML5 translator, both for mobile and desktop targets.
- qml-handwriting - Open source handwriting recognition keyboard written in QML/JavaScript.
- SortFilterProxyModel - A nicely exposed QSortFilterProxyModel for QML.
- qmlsaver - Screensaver written in Qt4/QML.
- QtFreeVirtualKeyboard - A QML based on screen virtual keyboard for embedded QML applications.
- Qt-Advanced-Docking-System - Advanced Docking System for Qt.
- qtermwidget - The terminal widget for QTerminal.
- qmltermwidget - This project is a QML port of qtermwidget.
- yat - Terminal Emulator written in C++ and qml.
- qmlnotify - Desktop notification server which implements org.freedesktop.Notifications, using modern Qt/Qml technologies.
- qml-slideshow - QML Slideshow: the Declarative Hierarchical Finite Slide Machine & Toolkit.
- aqt-cassowary - Aqt.Cassowary (pronounced like Acute Cassowary) is a Qt plugin that allows you to run a incremental linear constraint solver in QML applications, providing a declarative interface that fits naturally in the QML programming model.
- qml-colorpicker - A basic colorpicker control made in Qt Quick/QML.
- qmltooltip - A simple tooltip system for QML.
- QML-Code-editor - A simple code editor using QML and C++.
- QmlPrinter - Simple Qt component which allows user to print out a QML view from C++.
- ComponentPrinter - QML component for printing from QML.
- SlideMenu - Implementation of a slide menu in QML.
- QMLRearrangeableTreeView - A list-based TreeView that can be rearranged with a mouse or touch device.
- DateSelector - Date selector in QML.
- KeePassTouch ✨ - Ubuntu Touch Version of KeePass (QML & C++).
- qnite - qnite is a charting library that provides a really high level API (via QML) to customize and render interactive charts in your Qt applications.
- QmlGrid - This is a QML Data grid using Qt Quick Controls 2.
- qml-cache - qml-cache is a persistent app-exclusive key-value store plugin.
- QCar - Car computer software written in Qt/QML & C++.
- ProgressBarCollection - A collection of progress bars.
- bodyweight-timer - time supporting app for traing purposes (bodyweight-training) on Jolla Sailfish OS.
- QmlStateMachine - Sample Qt project to show how to use a C++ state machine with QML for UI.
- qmlcompletionbox - Just an example of completion box in Qt with QtQuick.
- qmlmatrix - Matrix animation running on QT5 framework QML engine.
- QMLTable - Table implementation for Qt 5 with QtQuick Components 2.
- qmlofflinesceen - This Project create images in a OpenGLFramebuffer, this is to grab images from qml file without actual viewer.
- qmltranslator - Class for translations strings in C++/Qml code.
- QML-UI-Animations - QML implementations of various UI concepts by various artists.
- SolarSystem - Solar system model based on Qt3D framework.
- QMLTreeView - QMl TreeView with custom folder list model in C++.
- QQuickDock - Docking window for Qt Quick.
- nodeeditor - Qt Node Editor. Dataflow programming framework.
- QtMvvm - A mvvm oriented library for Qt, to create Projects for Widgets and Quick in parallel.
- QtRestClient - A library for generic JSON-based REST-APIs, with a mechanism to map JSON to Qt objects.
- QtAutoUpdater - A Qt library to automatically check for updates and install them.
- QMarkdownTextEdit - A C++ Qt QPlainTextEdit widget with markdown highlighting support and some other extras.
- QSourceHighlite - A lightweight source code/syntax highlighter written in Qt C++.
- QmlTreeViewExample - Here is an example of how a tree might look in QML.
- GoogleMaps - QtLocation plugin for Google maps tile API.
- QtWS ✨ - Qt World Summit Conference App.
- QML_Fluent_i18n_Example - Qt6 QML i18n FluentUI example program.
- Food-Delivery-UI-App - A food delivery QML UI application.
- QtDemos - This is the collection of Qt demos to solve the problem from StackOverflow or I faced (ResponsiveLayout).
- qcoro ✨ - C++ Coroutines for Qt.
- qtkeychain ✨ - Platform-independent Qt API for storing passwords securely.
- QtLocalAuthenticator ✨ - C++ and QML library for biometric authentication (e.g. Touch ID).
- libQuotient ✨ - A Qt library to write cross-platform clients for Matrix.
- FramelessHelper ✨ - Cross-platform window customization framework for Qt Widgets and Qt Quick. Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
- React NodeGui ✨ - Build performant, native and cross-platform desktop applications with React 🚀. React NodeGUI is powered by React ⚛️ and Qt5 💚 which makes it CPU and memory efficient as compared to other chromium based solutions like electron. React NodeGUI is essentially a React renderer for NodeGUI.
- CuteMobile ✨ - A concept mobile app UI/UX prototype based on Qt Quick technology.
- Intellicute ✨ - At Qt ChatGPT client.
- HyperVisor ✨ - Simulation software for sensor array in a High Performance Vehicle or an Utility Vehicle.
- GoodHabits - Simple application for good habits encouraging.
- QtAIDL - Access Android APIs from QML with no effort.
- KrackX - Software for password cracker, C++ and Qt6 QML
- SingleApplication ✨ - Replacement of QtSingleApplication for Qt5 and Qt6 with support for instance communication
- Linux Energy Monitor ✨ - It is an Industry Exchange Network project in partnership with Intel, aiming to develop a Linux energy monitor application that enables users to view real-time system information and energy consumption while taking advantages of Intel's 12th Gen processor architecture.
- Qt-Secret - Simple encryption library supporting RSA and AES algorithms.
- CQtDeployer - This project is used to deploy applications written using QML, qt or other С / С++ frameworks.
- NewBingClient - Desktop application of new Bing's AI-powered chat.
- Promises/A+ - Promises/A+ implementation for Qt/C++
- QtAv ✨ - A multimedia playback framework based on Qt and FFmpeg to write a player easily.
- qmlvideo - QML video element backend by libVLC, rendered on gl texture.
- QmlVlcDemo - Simple demo app for QmlVlc lib.
- qmlmidi - MIDI plugin for Qt Quick. Enables using MIDI input or output devices from declarative QML.
- qml-recorder - A QML plugin for audio recording.
- Elisa - Music Player.
- Kamoso - Webcam Application.
- Webvfx - WebVfx is a video effects framework that allows video effects (filters, transitions etc.) authored using QtQuick.
- QZXing ✨ - Qt/QML wrapper library for the ZXing barcode image processing library.
- libmaia - libmaia is a easy-to-use XML-RPC library for Qt.
- libcommuni - A cross-platform IRC framework written with Qt (source).
- qxmpp - Cross-platform C++ XMPP client and server library.
- lightbulb - Open-source XMPP client for Symbian, written using QML and QtQuick libraries.
- qml-sockets - Exposing Qt's C++ socket objects to QML for declarative use.
- HttpRequest - HttpRequest such as XMLHttpRequest, but more powerful.
- protobuf-qml - Efficient schematized serialization and RPC for QtQuick2 applications through Protocol Buffers and gRPC bindings.
- QuickDownload - Easy way to download files with Qt QML and C++.
- QML-WebSocket - This is a lightweight Qt Qml wrapper for legacy version of websocketpp.
- QtMqtt - Qt and QML Mqtt Library.
- qml-soap - qml-soap is simple SOAP client plugin created to use mostly with QML.
- qml-tcpsockets - QML wrappers for
. - kdeconnect-kde - Software to connect with Andriod phones. App and Plasmoid are both in QML.
- Liri - Web Browser.
- QSsh - SSH and SFTP support for Qt. This project is based on Qt Creator's
. - qtrest - a small and simple REST API client for any Qt/QML application.
- QtProtobuf - gRPC and Protobuf generator and bindings for Qt framework
- QtTelegramBot ✨ - Qt5 library for the Telegram Bot API.
- frida-qml - Frida Qml plugin.
- qmlc - The Qml Compiler can be used to convert Qml source code files into precompiled Qml files. The precompiled Qml files are faster to load and do not expose the source code. Normally, the Qt either compiles the Qml files in the startup or interprets the Qml files runtime.
- viewstack.pri - ViewStack is a wrapper of StackView (QQC2) that provides a stateless interface.
- quickcross - QML Cross Platform Utility Library.
- qml-colors - A library that extends the set of operations with
values in QML.
- Felgo - Felgo (previously V-Play Engine) allows easy cross-platform mobile games and apps development for all major platforms including iOS, Android, BlackBerry.
- arcgis-runtime-toolkit-qt - This project contains QML source code for controls and utilities you can use with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt.
- QtFirebase - An effort to bring the Firebase C++ API to Qt + QML.
- GATutorial-QML - A simple integration of Google Analytics with Qt Quick for iOS and Android.
- QtAdMob - QtAdMob is a C++ lib for Qt with QML support, which allows to show ads from AdMob on Android and iOS platforms.
- Kirigami - lightweight user interface framework for mobile and convergent applications.
- QtGQL - - GraphQL microframework for Qt and Python.
- QtAliceVision - - Qt plugin providing AliceVision-based UI Components.
- Spotify-Qt - - Lightweight Spotify client using Qt
- QtDiscordIPC - - Discord RPC/IPC API for Qt.
- fluid ✨ - Fluid is a collection of cross-platform QtQuick components for building fluid and dynamic applications.
- fontawesome.pri - Using FontAwesome in QML.
- font-awesome-qml - Font Awesome in QML (Qt Quick).
- QMLFontAwesome - Resources for FontAwesome support in your QML application.
- qml-material - Material Design implemented in QtQuick.
- qml-bootstrap - Sweet Qml components inspired from Ionic framework style for mobile and desktop Qt/Qml projects.
- StratifyQML ✨ - Stratify Labs UI QML framework inspired by Twitter Bootstrap.
- FlatUI-Controls-QML - This is custom made and themed QML controls. The controls are made to look and behave just like Flat UI Toolkit.
- aqt-stylesheets - StylesSheets is a library for Qt/QML that allows you to apply CSS stylesheets to QML applications.
- FluentUI ✨ - FluentUI for QML - A fluent design component library for Qt QML.
- TaoQuick - TaoQuick QtQuick/qml component library and demo.
- Cutie QML - A QML module to provide functionality specific to Cutie.
- Neumorphism - QtQuick Neumorphism (soft UI) style for Qt applications.
- qskinny ✨ - The (Q)Skinny library is a framework built on top of the Qt scene graph and very few core classes from Qt/Quick. It offers a set of lightweight controls, that can be used from C++ and/or QML.
- QtAseman ✨ - A set of C++ and QML tools and modules that helps you develop your projects easier and better.
- StatusQ ✨ - Reusable Status QML components.
- RoniaKit ✨ - The Ronia Kit is a collection of custom gauge components for Qt Quick applications.
- Responsive-Expenses-Dashboard - Practice of QML Layouts by creating a fully responsive QML application.
- QtQuickUtils ✨ - A set of useful QML components based on QtQuick Controls 2.
- QtMvvm ✨ - A mvvm oriented library for Qt, to create Projects for Widgets and Quick in parallel.
- TTKWidgetTools ✨ - TTKWidgetTools.
- Qt-Advanced-Docking-System ✨ - Advanced Docking System for Qt.
- Qaterial ✨ - Collection of Material Components based on QtQuickControls2.
- bppgrid - QtQuick 2 Table component, modeled on TableView QML Type and some other Cool qml components .
- qt-ribbon - A ribbon bar implementation for Qt widgets applications .
- Another-Ripple - This is a Ripple effect in QML, that can be used everywhere.
- snow-white - Snow White QtQuick2 theme.
- qpm-qt-creator-project-template - Qt Creator Project Templates with qpm.
- quickflux-project-template - Project template using QuickFlux with unit tests.
- QMLApplicationTemplate - CMake project template for a simple QML application.
- Qt-Qbs-Application - Qt Qbs application boilerplate and useful scripts.
- mini-qml - A minimal example to deploy Qml applications for Windows, Linux and Mac with Travis and AppVeyor.
- Project-Template - A template for modern C++ projects with useful features for developing cross-platform products.
- QML-CMake-CPP-Template - This is a template repo to create UI application using QML C++ and CMake.
- mini-cmake-qt - A minimal CMake template for Qt 5 & 6 projects.
- cxx-qt-kirigami - Rust + CXX-Qt + KDE Kirigami minimal project template
- template-qtcpp - QtC++ technology template
- qmlunit - An easy-to-use Unit Testing framework for Qt Declarative UI - QML [unmaintained].
- testable - Qt/QML Test Runner and Utilities.
- testrunner - Qt Test Runner - A tiny tool to execute multiple QTestLib application and combine the testing result into a summary report.
- QmlSpec - QmlSpec is a replacement for QML's bundled-in unit testing module QtTest.
- AtomicDEX ✨ - AtomicDEX is a secure wallet and non-custodial decentralized exchange rolled into one application.
- ta-lib-rt ✨ - TA-Lib RT (Real Time) is a fork of TA-Lib, Fix STOCHRSI.
- b2s-trader ✨ - Application to automate trading process.
- Trading-Platform - Trading-Platform.
- KopiTrade ✨ - Explore and track stocks, see charts and information based on the IEX service.
- QtTrader - This project was forked from qtstalker (http://qtstalker.sourceforge.net/) 2013-01-10.
- QtBitcoinTrader ✨ - Qt Bitcoin Trader: Secure multi crypto exchange trading client.
- Krypto-trading-bot ✨ - Self-hosted crypto trading bot (automated high frequency market making) written in C++.
- Trading-Engine - C++ Simple Trading Engine.
- Trade-Frame - C++ 17 based library (with sample applications) for testing equities, futures, etfs & options based automated trading ideas using DTN IQFeed real time data feed and Interactive Brokers (IB TWS API) for trade execution.
- coincenter ✨ - Command Line Interface (CLI) / library centralizing several crypto currencies exchanges REST API into a single, ergonomic all in one tool with a unified interface.
- mmbot ✨ - Market Making trading bot for cryptomarkets.
- AlgorithmTrading - The AlgorithmTrading project is a C++/Qt program for plotting tabulated functions of stock quotes using interpolation methods.
- QCraftor - QCraftor (Quantitative Crafting) is C++ framework for development, backtesting and deployment of automated trading strategy.
- noise - A Backtest or Trading Framework with C++.
- AAT - Asynchronous, event-driven algorithmic trading in Python and C++.
- optsp-ctpcore - Open-source Programming Trading System Project for gathering market data and trading from inner-futures based on CTP-API.
- WonderTrader - WonderTrader
- starquant - a light-weighted, integrated trading/backtesting system/platform
- viabtc_exchange_server ✨ - A trading engine with high-speed performance and real-time notification
- CppTrader - C++ Trader is a set of components for building high performance Trading Platform.
- cpptrade - C++ trading and matching engine.
- RapidTrader ✨ - A low-latency, high-throughput order matching system implementation.
- liquibook ✨ - Modern C++ order matching engine
- PyXchange - Limit orderbook and matching engine written in Python and C++, using Twisted, boost::python and boost::multi_index
- exchange-core ✨ - Exchange-core is an open source market exchange core.
- limit-order-book - A C++ and Python implementation of the limit order book.
- MatchingEngine - A mini matching engine in progress.
- matching-cpp - Order matching engine .
- signaldata - A C++17 technical indicator library for time series data.
- stock-charts-cpp - Implementation of stock charts and technical indicators in pure C++, supporting any UI framework and providing a Qt Widget implementation.
- ATS - ATS is an open-source implementation of an algorithmic trading systems library in C++.
- KryptoBot - Trading bot to be used with TradingView and Bybit, like WunderTrading.
- Ed - Event-driven backtesting engine written in C++
- t18 - Algotrading framework for C++17
- SwiftBot - Automated trading system for cryptocurrency exchanges written in C++
- jbot - Cryptocurrency Trading Bot : This is a fork of Krypto-trading-bot. Making minor changes to enhance the container build and startup configuration.
- crypto-connect ✨ - An opinionated project for connecting to Crypto Exchanges in C++20.
- ToTheMoon - ToTheMoon - Cryptocurrency Trading Bot.
- Bitvavo-HFT-Crypto-Trading-API - Crypto Trading API implementation in C++ easy to use and to adapt to your specs
- liteExchange - Multithreaded order matching engine in C++11 using FIX for order entry
- krypto - Connections to crypto exchanges in C++
- Trading_Simulator - Trading simulation application developed in C++ with the Qt framework.
- CppOrderBook - CppOrderBook
- order-warehouse - Concept for a persistent storage engine for a large-scale trade order-book data warehouse
- Footprint Reversal System - A footprint reversal system to be used inline with your market structure analysis.
- Trader's Home Task - The most popular tool to link stock trading platforms.
- Riskfolio-Lib - Portfolio Optimization and Quantitative Strategic Asset Allocation in Python.
- QuickVtk - A VTK prototyping application based on QtQuick/QML.
- quickqanava - C++14 network/graph visualization library (source).
- Cutelyst - Cutelyst is a web framework written in C++11 and Qt, performant and inspired in the Perl Catalyst Web Framework. (source)
- QDjango - QDjango is a web framework written in C++ and built on top of the Qt library. Where possible it tries to follow django's API, hence its name.
- Tasteful Server - QDjango is a web framework written in C++ and built on top of the Qt library. Where possible it tries to follow django's API, hence its name.
- sddm - QML based X11 and Wayland display manager.
- shell - QtQuick and Wayland shell for convergence.
- qmlcompmgr - It's a simple compositing manager for X11, written using Qt Quick and QML. Not ready for production.
- The QML Book - The QML Book. (source)
- GCompris ✨ - For Kids.
- Ktouch - Touch Typing Tutor.
- RCSE - Rolisteam Character Sheet Editor: easier way to create a character sheet, rcse provides more than that. It helps learning QML: draw your page, generate code, change it, execute it, and see the result.
- QML Coding Guidelines - A collection of good practices when writing QML code.
- Qt6 QML Book - Free book created by Qt Company. It provides you with a walk through of the different aspects of application development using the new Qt 6. It focuses on the Qt Quick technology, but also provides necessary information about writing C++ back-ends and extension for Qt Quick.
- files - File manager.
- tensor - Tensor is an IM client for the Matrix protocol in development.
- yat - Terminal Emulator written in C++ and qml.
- cool-retro-term - Is a terminal emulator which mimics the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens. It has been designed to be eye-candy, customizable, and reasonably lightweight.
- Tiled - Tiled is a general purpose tile map editor. It is meant to be used for editing maps of any tile-based game, be it an RPG, a platformer or a Breakout clone.
- yubioath-desktop - Yubico Authenticator for Desktop (Windows, macOS and Linux).
- pegasus-frontend - A cross platform, customizable graphical frontend for launching emulators and managing your game collection.
- tdesktop - Telegram Desktop messaging app.
- panopticon - A libre cross-platform disassembler.
- TelegramQML - Telegram API tools for QtQml and Qml. It's based on Cutegram-Core and libqtelegram.
- qmlvncviewer - VNC viewer component by qt quick.
- harbour-sailfinder - Sailfinder source code & bug tracker.
- Rolisteam - VirtualTableTop software to play Pen and paper role playing games.
- IPConnect - P2P Chat and File Transfer Desktop Application.
- QOwnNotes - QOwnNotes is a plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with markdown support and ownCloud / Nextcloud integration.
- SerialTest - Debugging serial port/Bluetooth SPP/BLE/TCP server/TCP client/UDP connections on Windows/Linux/Android.
- Status Desktop - Desktop client for the Status Network built with Nim and Qt.
- QtScrcpy - QtScrcpy supports displaying and controlling Android devices via USB or over network. It does NOT require root privileges.
- QmlScrcpy - QmlScrcpy.
- NotepadNext - A cross-platform, reimplementation of Notepad++.
- sqlitebrowser - DB Browser for SQLite.
- LibreCAD - LibreCAD is a 2D CAD drawing tool based on the community edition of QCAD.
- LibrePCB - LibrePCB is a free EDA suite to develop printed circuit boards on Windows, Linux and MacOS. More information and screenshots are available at librepcb.org.
- QGroundControl - Cross-platform ground control station for drones (Android, iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows).
- Librum - The Librum client application.
- cara - Cara is an app for manage small bussiness.
- Tricks - Tricks Social Network cross platforms client written using C++, Qt and Qml.
- Cutegram - Cutegram is a telegram client by Aseman Land.
- osm - Open sound meter. FFT based application for tuning sound systems.
- yubikey-manager-qt - Cross-platform application for configuring any YubiKey over all USB interfaces.
- SciTEQt - A port of the SciTE text editor to the Qt QML/Quick, which is optimized for touch devices.
- QtItches - This is an alternative implementation of MIT Scratch using Qt and QML.
- HeadUnit - HeadUnit Desktop is a car PC software built with Qt 5 and QML.
- QOpenHD ✨ - QOpenHD is the default OpenHD companion app that runs on the OHD Ground station or any other "external" devices connected to the ground station.
- pegasus-frontend ✨ - A cross platform, customizable graphical frontend for launching emulators and managing your game collection.
- Speek ✨ - Privacy focused messenger that doesn't trust anyone with your identity, your contact list, or your communications.
- MuseScore ✨ - MuseScore is an open source and free music notation software.
- notes ✨ - Fast and beautiful note-taking app written in C++. Write down your thoughts.
- Heimer ✨ - Heimer is a simple cross-platform mind map, diagram, and note-taking tool written in Qt.
- MNE-CPP ✨ - MNE-CPP: A Framework for Electrophysiology
- Guitar ✨ - Git GUI Client.
- writernote-qt - Writernote
- OpenSCAD ✨ - OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller.
- OpenShot Video Editor ✨ - OpenShot Video Editor is an award-winning free and open-source video editor for Linux, Mac, and Windows, and is dedicated to delivering high quality video editing and animation solutions to the world www.openshot.org
- APK Studio ✨ - Open-source, cross platform Qt based IDE for reverse-engineering Android application packages.
- Qt Node Editor ✨ - Qt Node Editor: Dataflow programming framework.
- guiscrcpy ✨ - A simple, pluggable, graphical user interface for the fastest Android screen mirroring software, scrcpy
- iaito - Official QT frontend of radare2
- Quaternion - A Qt5-based IM client for Matrix
- Mayo - 3D CAD viewer and converter based on Qt + OpenCascade
- moonlight-qt - GameStream client for PCs (Windows, Mac, Linux, and Steam Link)
- mindforger ✨ - Thinking notebook and Markdown editor.
- Banana Invoices App - The extension Invoices and Estimates allow you to create, edit, print and manages estimates and invoices with Banana Accounting+.
- inqlude.org - Website that list a lot of Qt/QML projects.
- wiki.manjaro.org - The manjaro wiki has quie an Qt applications list.
- ekke - ekke’s mobile business apps for Android and iOS.
- awesome-qt - Website that list a lot of Qt/QML projects.