This is a demo app for a brand new shopping application built using ASP.NET CORE WEB API. This new shopping app is built using ASP.NET CORE 3.1.
The topics mentioned below are covered in this course.
- Project overview
- Project setup/setup using GIT HUB code repo.
- Database design.
- EF CORE CLI commands
- Create a database using EF CORE CLI.
- Setup 3/4 tier layered project structure as we do it in Corporate. This is for the separation of code in a proper way.
- Repository pattern to avoid duplicate code in al repository
- Custom validations
- CRUD implementation for various endpoints, like getting, POST, PUT, DELETE
- And more options for expanding this app to have Authentication and Authorization.
CI/CD has been setup for this project in Azure devops.
Complete source code:
The below videos will be useful and can help you understand better some topics used in this course.
How to use Async and Await in C#:
Entity Framework Core commands are explained with examples:
How to upload a file using DOTNET CORE
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Happy coding!