Generate JSDoc/TS/DTS type definitions from OpenAPI document(V2).
npm install oas-typegen -g
typegen -i
Generate TS/JS/DTS type definitions from OpenAPI document (V2).
$ typegen --input <input> --output <output>
--input, -i (required) Path to OpenAPI document in local file system or
url on lines.
--output, -o The output path and file for generated assets.
--dir, -d The output directory for generated assets. Use current dire-
tory by default.
--name, -n Specifies the name of your swagger document.
--config, -c Use this config file(if argument is used but value is unspe-
cified, defaults to typegen.json).
--format, -f Type of output assets (cjs, es).Use "es" by default.
--language, -l Choice one output language in js ts and dts
> js: (default) create a .js file and comment with JSDoc
> ts: create a .ts file and declare types as interfaces
> dts: create a .js file and declare types in a .d.ts
--plugin, -p Load the plugin from local node_modules.
--intro Content to insert at top of generated type file.
--outro Content to insert at bottom of generated type file.
--serial, -e Force build multi-documents one by one.
--silent, -s Prevent output from being displayed in stdout.
--version, -v Print current version number.
--help, -h Print this message.
$ typegen --input ./swagger.json --output gateway.js --language js
$ typegen --input --output petsto-
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