Quantum is open-source software for calculating the dynamics of quantum systems. The Quantum library is strongly based and inspired by QuTip: Quantum Toolbox in Python. It takes advantange of the Numpy, Scipy, and Cython packages, as well as Matplotlib.
Quantum differs from QuTip in two essencial features:
- It allows truncation by excitation manifold for certain specific problems.
- It uses the theory of Green operators to calculate the two-time correlation functions, as well as the density energy spectrum.
Quantum is freely available for use and/or modification.
A selection of demonstration notebooks is available here: github.com/diego-bernal/quantum-notebooks.
You are free to use this software, with or without modification, provided that the conditions listed in the LICENSE file are satisfied.
This Quantum library is strongly based and inspired in the QuTip packages. So, it uses the excellent Qobj class for all its purposes.