Before using ProbSKnife You need to install ProbLog2 and Python.
To try ProbSKnife with our predefined example:
Download or clone this repository.
Open a terminal in the project folder and run
python -h
to have the usage of APPID [-d DLIMIT] [-k CHANGELIMIT] [-f] [-l] [-h]" APPID identifier of the application to partition DLIMIT an integer CHANGELIMIT an integer -f shows full results in tables -l shows partitioning labels (impacts on groupby in table) -t shows timestamp of operations -h shows this help
Execute the program! As an example, running
python cloudModel -k 1 -d 5
calculates the costs for the partitionings with at most 5 domains and considering the change of labelling with at most 1 label change of the default example cloudModel.The output of such execution is
Partitioning [[appManager, authenticator, db], [apiGateway], [aiLearning], [userConfig]] cost: (4, 3.6789741961) Partitioning [[db], [apiGateway], [aiLearning], [appManager, authenticator], [userConfig]] cost: (5, 0.0) Partitioning [[authenticator, db], [apiGateway], [aiLearning], [appManager], [userConfig]] cost: (5, 2.6278387115) Partitioning [[appManager, db], [apiGateway], [aiLearning], [authenticator], [userConfig]] cost: (5, 6.3068129076) Impossible prob: 0.17518924743
Showing the 4 starting partitionings, their cost and the probability to reach a labelling making the application not safely partitionable.
The probabilistic model with the chosed K is saved in a .pl file to be reused in the future. The format of the file is
The above execution creates the file
with (part) of content0.09197435490::labelling0L([(networkData,low),(cryptedData,low),(userPreferences,medium),(userRequests,medium),(iotMeasurements,top),(iotEvents,top),(iotCommands,top),(tlsLibrary,top),(fromProvider,low),(aiFramework,low),(dbms,top),(networkLibrary,low),(dataLibrary,top)]). 0.09197435490::labelling0L([(networkData,low),(cryptedData,low),(userPreferences,medium),(userRequests,medium),(iotMeasurements,top),(iotEvents,top),(iotCommands,top),(tlsLibrary,top),(fromProvider,low),(aiFramework,low),(dbms,top),(networkLibrary,low),(dataLibrary,low)]).
Showing two labellings with 1 label different from the starting one and their probability.
By activating the argument
the overall results are the same, what changes is the output information view: now the reachable partitionings are annotated with logging information and timestamps.As an example, running
python cloudModel -k 1 -d 5 -t
calculates the costs for the partitionings with at most 5 domains and considering the change of labelling with at most 1 label change of the default example cloudModel.The output of such execution is
Starting execution. Retrieving application information. Starting to create labelling probabilities at:0:00:00.119381 Labelling created before. Search for all eligible partitionings. 4 partitionings determined at: 0:00:00.184154 Determining cost for every partitioning. Partitioning [[appManager, authenticator, db], [apiGateway], [aiLearning], [userConfig]] cost: (4, 3.6789741961) Time from execution start: 0:00:01.465134 Partitioning [[db], [apiGateway], [aiLearning], [appManager, authenticator], [userConfig]] cost: (5, 0.0) Time from execution start: 0:00:02.731906 Partitioning [[authenticator, db], [apiGateway], [aiLearning], [appManager], [userConfig]] cost: (5, 2.6278387115) Time from execution start: 0:00:04.014362 Partitioning [[appManager, db], [apiGateway], [aiLearning], [authenticator], [userConfig]] cost: (5, 6.3068129076) Time from execution start: 0:00:05.279141 Impossible prob: 0.17518924743
Showing the same output as before with annotated timestamp. Note that the labellaing probabilities where already created to reduce the overall execution time.