A robust CMS for Spree Commerce.
If you don't already have an existing Spree site, click here then come back later... You can also read the Spree docs here...
Otherwise, follow these steps to get up and running with SpreeEssentialCms:
Add spree_essential_cms to your Gemfile:
# Spree 1.0.x
gem 'spree_essential_cms', '~> 0.3.0.rc1'
# Spree 0.70.x
gem 'spree_essential_cms', '~> 0.2.1'
# Spree 0.60.x and below
gem 'spree_essential_cms', '~> 0.1.2'
Now, bundle up with:
bundle install
Then run the generators to create the migration files:
bundle exec rails g spree_essentials:install
bundle exec rails g spree_essentials:cms
Now migrate your database:
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Boot your server and checkout the admin at localhost:3000/admin
bundle exec rails s
Basic usage of this CMS is trivial. Create pages and add content...
Pages also have images so you can create galleries or slideshows.
Contexts allow you to place different forms of content in various places of a page. A slideshow or a sidebar might be good examples...
You can set a content's context (say that ten times fast!) under the 'Optional Fields' tab in the edit content view.
In your view you'll be able to grab those bits of content like so:
- if @slides = @page.for_context('slideshow')
= render 'shared/content', :content => @slides
- if @sidebar = @page.for_context('sidebar').first
- content_for :sidebar do
= render 'shared/your_custom_sidebar', :content => @sidebar
Use a content decorator when you want different contexts to have their own image sizes:
# app/models/content_decorator.rb
Content.class_eval do
# override default image sizes
def default_attachment_sizes
{ :mini => '48x48>', :medium => '427x287>' }
# or set a custom size for each context
def attachment_sizes
case context
when 'slideshow'
sizes = default_attachment_sizes.merge(:slide => '955x476#')
when 'main'
sizes = default_attachment_sizes.merge(:custom => '580x289#')
when 'small-top'
sizes = default_attachment_sizes.merge(:custom => '364x177#')
when 'small-bottom'
sizes = default_attachment_sizes.merge(:custom => '364x109#')
sizes = default_attachment_sizes
You can easily use the test/dummy
app as a demo of spree_essential_cms. Just cd
to where you develop and run:
git clone git://github.com/citrus/spree_essential_cms.git
cd spree_essential_cms
cp test/dummy_hooks/after_migrate.rb.sample test/dummy_hooks/after_migrate.rb
bundle install
bundle exec dummier
cd test/dummy
bundle exec rails s
Testing for spree_essential_cms is done with unit tests and capybara integration tests. To get setup, run the commands below:
git clone git://github.com/citrus/spree_essential_cms.git
cd spree_essential_cms
bundle install
bundle exec dummier
Now you've got a test app setup in test/dummy
. Now you can run the tests with:
bundle exec rake
If for any reason you want to re-create your test/dummy
app, just re-run bundle exec dummier
0.3.0.rc1 - 2012/1/16
- Add support for Spree 1.0.x
0.2.1 - 2011/12/15
- Fixes missing partial error on homepage when used with SpreeEssentialBlog
0.2.0 - 2011/12/15
- Add 0.70.x compatibility
- Removed spork dev dependency
0.1.1 - 2011/6/2
- Added the image_size option
- Improved documentation
0.1.0 - 2011/6/1
- Random cleanup
- Released 0.1.0 to rubygems
- Extracted from the Spree Essentials core.
- more tests... many many more.
- optimizations
- A 'create translation' button that clones the current page's contents into another language
- add widgets that you can drop into any page
- page and menu caching/sweeping
- nested set for pages
- create wiki pages
If you'd like to help out feel free to fork and send me pull requests!
Copyright (c) 2011 - 2012 Spencer Steffen & Citrus, released under the New BSD License All rights reserved.