- It will set environment variable from .env file which will be at the project root folder
- It will check environment variable from ".env.tpl" file whether environment variable is declared or not in ".env" file
- It will provide typecasting of environment variables
This library provide you facility to easily manage list of environment variables. The typecasting methods are defined in getenv library.
$ npm install node-env-man
Following steps need to follow before using this library:
- Create ".env" file on project root directory and define your environment variable ex. development,production,test,uat etc.
Contents of .env file
- Create ".env.tpl" file on project directory which contains template of all environment variables. This file will be shared among team to check list of environment variables and corresponding sample value.
Contents of .env.tpl file
#define your application port number
PORT=<Port number ex:3002,8080>
#define your application node environment
NODE_ENV=<sample value "developemnt","test","production">
- Define your environment variable in both files ".env" and ".env.tpl". ".env" file will be used for local purpose.
Please require this library as early as possible to get list of environment variables from .env file
var env = require('node-env-man');
To get list of environment variable
var env = require('node-env-man')
var envList = env.getEnv();
//To access enviorment variable
console.log("Port : ",envList.string('PORT'));
***check whether all environment variables are declared in .env file or using process.env :
If environment variables are defined in ".env.tpl" but missing in ".env" file then it will throw error otherwise it will return empty [];
var env = require('node-env-man');
//sample error: "Please set environment variable PORT"
Easy to typecast environment variable
var port = env.int('PORT');
$ npm test