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2019/11/26 v3.9 School of Informatics Thesis Class

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@dhil dhil released this 26 Nov 19:20
· 16 commits to master since this release

Merge with upstream v3.8

The class file has been merged with the v3.8 upstream changes (noted as version v3.8u in infthesis.cls).

Lay summary environment

The laysummary environment inserts a lay summary page akin to how the declaration environment inserts a declaration page. Usage example:

Summary goes here\dots

Automatic insertion of author name in custom declaration

The declaration environment automatically inserts the author name at the end of the declaration like the \standarddeclaration macro does. In fact, the \standarddeclaration macro is now defined in terms of the declaration environment. Usage example:

My custom declaration\dots

produces a page containing

My custom declaration...
           (author name)