Initially inspired by Elm's JSON decoders, but ended up a bit different.
- Add config to build as shared library, currently only builds example executables.
- Fix various memory issues
- Support string escape characters in lexer
Let's say we have the following struct
s representing a family:
typedef struct {
char *firstName;
char *lastName;
int age;
} Person;
typedef struct {
Person father;
Person mother;
Person *children;
int childCount;
} Family;
void printPerson(Person person) {
printf("%s %s, %d\n", person.firstName, person.lastName, person.age);
And we want to deserialize the following JSON into an instance of that struct
"father": {
"firstName": "Walter",
"lastName": "White",
"age": 52
"mother": {
"firstName": "Skyler",
"lastName": "White",
"children": [
"firstName": "Walter Jr.",
"lastName": "White",
"age": 17
"firstName": "Holly",
"lastName": "White",
"age": 1
We can define a set of decoders like this:
#include "decoders.h"
// ...
bool decodePerson(DecoderState *state, void *dest) {
Person *person = (Person*)dest;
return decodeFields(state, 3,
makeField("firstName", &person->firstName, decodeString),
makeField("lastName", &person->lastName, decodeString),
makeField("age", &person->age, decodeInt)
bool decodeFamily(DecoderState *state, void *dest) {
Family *family = (Family*)dest;
return decodeFields(state, 3,
makeField("father", &family->father, decodePerson),
makeField("mother", &family->mother, decodePerson),
makeListField("children", &family->children, &family->childCount, sizeof(Person), decodePerson)
And invoke them as such (given that familyStr
is a char*
containing our JSON):
Family family;
DecodeResult res = decode(familyStr, &family, decodeFamily);
printf("Decoded family: \n");
if(res.success) {
printf("Father: "); printPerson(family.father);
printf("Mother: "); printPerson(family.mother);
printf("Children: \n");
for (int i = 0; i < family.childCount; i++) {
printf(" "); printPerson(family.children[i]);
} else {
Which will yield the following output:
Decoded family:
Father: Walter White, 52
Mother: Skyler White, 40
Walter Jr. White, 17
Holly White, 1
If the JSON does not match the expected format, we get an error message describing the location of the discrepancy. For example, if we replace "age": 1
with "age": "hello"
in the JSON above, we would get the following output instead:
Decoded family:
At root["children"][1]["age"]: Expecting number, got string
See the decoder example file.