March 2017 ##Demo Day Project - TIY: Cohort 9
Project Members: Drew Hackelman, Shane McCoy and Brentice Bush.
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An educational web application that presents a gamified approach to the college research process.
Our goal: To present to middle school students the fun of NCAA (Basketball) March Madness and learning about college.
Welcome to College Madness where we want to inspire the the next generation of college students. Research shows that fewer than 8% of students from economically disadvantaged communities are likely to complete an undergraduate program by the age of 25. That leaves over 90% of students from those same communities with diminished income potential, and fewer career opportunities. One of the more specific roadblocks students face is a lack of knowledge about specific colleges. We created College Madness so that Teachers can harness the excitement of the NCAA Basketball tournament and then push their students to complete meaningful research on colleges in the bracket. We want to use March Madness to inspire students attend college