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This is an automatically generated REST API client for PubMan.

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build date: 2019-10-01T11:54:52.354+02:00
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import mpg_pure 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import mpg_pure

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import mpg_pure
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = mpg_pure.AtomFeedsApi(mpg_pure.ApiClient(configuration))

    # getRecentOa
    api_response = api_instance.get_recent_oa_using_get()
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AtomFeedsApi->get_recent_oa_using_get: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AtomFeedsApi get_recent_oa_using_get GET /feed/oa getRecentOa
AtomFeedsApi get_recent_releases_using_get GET /feed/recent getRecentReleases
AtomFeedsApi get_recent_releasesfor_ou_using_get GET /feed/organization/{ouId} getRecentReleasesforOu
AtomFeedsApi get_search_as_feed_using_get GET /feed/search getSearchAsFeed
ContextsApi close_using_put PUT /contexts/{ctxId}/close close
ContextsApi create_using_post POST /contexts create
ContextsApi delete_using_delete DELETE /contexts/{ctxId} delete
ContextsApi get_all_using_get GET /contexts getAll
ContextsApi get_using_get GET /contexts/{ctxId} get
ContextsApi open_using_put PUT /contexts/{ctxId}/open open
ContextsApi update_using_put PUT /contexts/{ctxId} update
ItemsPublicationsApi create_using_post1 POST /items create
ItemsPublicationsApi delete_using_delete1 DELETE /items/{itemId} delete
ItemsPublicationsApi get_component_content_using_get GET /items/{itemId}/component/{componentId}/content getComponentContent
ItemsPublicationsApi get_technical_metadata_by_tika_using_get GET /items/{itemId}/component/{componentId}/metadata getTechnicalMetadataByTika
ItemsPublicationsApi get_using_get1 GET /items/{itemId} get
ItemsPublicationsApi get_version_history_using_get GET /items/{itemId}/history getVersionHistory
ItemsPublicationsApi release_using_put PUT /items/{itemId}/release release
ItemsPublicationsApi revise_using_put PUT /items/{itemId}/revise revise
ItemsPublicationsApi search_scroll_using_get GET /items/search/scroll searchScroll
ItemsPublicationsApi search_using_post POST /items/search search
ItemsPublicationsApi submit_using_put PUT /items/{itemId}/submit submit
ItemsPublicationsApi update_using_put1 PUT /items/{itemId} update
ItemsPublicationsApi withdraw_using_put PUT /items/{itemId}/withdraw withdraw
LoginLogoutApi get_user_using_get GET /login/who getUser
LoginLogoutApi login_using_post POST /login login
LoginLogoutApi logout_using_get GET /logout logout
OrganizationsApi child_organizations_using_get GET /ous/{ouId}/children childOrganizations
OrganizationsApi close_using_put1 PUT /ous/{ouId}/close close
OrganizationsApi create_using_post2 POST /ous create
OrganizationsApi delete_using_delete2 DELETE /ous/{ouId} delete
OrganizationsApi get_all_using_get1 GET /ous getAll
OrganizationsApi get_using_get2 GET /ous/{ouId} get
OrganizationsApi open_using_put1 PUT /ous/{ouId}/open open
OrganizationsApi query_using_post POST /ous/search query
OrganizationsApi top_level_using_get GET /ous/toplevel topLevel
OrganizationsApi update_using_put2 PUT /ous/{ouId} update
UploadFilesStagingApi create_stage_component_using_post POST /staging/{componentName} createStageComponent
UserAccountsApi activate_using_put PUT /users/{userId}/activate activate
UserAccountsApi add_grant_using_put PUT /users/{userId}/add addGrant
UserAccountsApi create_using_post3 POST /users create
UserAccountsApi deactivate_using_put PUT /users/{userId}/deactivate deactivate
UserAccountsApi delete_using_delete3 DELETE /users/{userId} delete
UserAccountsApi get_all_using_get2 GET /users getAll
UserAccountsApi get_using_get3 GET /users/{userId} get
UserAccountsApi query_using_post1 POST /users/search query
UserAccountsApi remove_grant_using_put PUT /users/{userId}/remove removeGrant
UserAccountsApi update_using_put3 PUT /users/{userId} update
YearbooksApi create_using_post4 POST /yearbooks create
YearbooksApi delete_using_delete4 DELETE /yearbooks/{yearbookId} delete
YearbooksApi get_all_using_get3 GET /yearbooks getAll
YearbooksApi get_items_using_get GET /yearbooks/{yearbookId}/items getItems
YearbooksApi get_using_get4 GET /yearbooks/{yearbookId} get
YearbooksApi query_using_post2 POST /yearbooks/search query
YearbooksApi update_using_put4 PUT /yearbooks/{yearbookId} update

Documentation For Models


client for MPG.PuRe






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