Articles are found in the src/
folder; they are in markdown format and can be edited directly in that folder using the GitHub interface if desired. New posts/pages can also be created there.
Images should be placed in the post-images/
folder. Multiple images can be added per article and used in the main content; at least one should be listed in the post_images
section of the frontmatter -- the first of these will be used on collection pages (others may or may not be used in future).
Frontmatter (in YAML) should follow the form:
layout: templates/article
title: Your title here
author: Author
date: yyyy-mm-dd
- ../post-images/image.jpg
Content in **markdown** goes here :)
Checkout the repo using
git clone [email protected]:dh-stanford/
or similar.
Install node dependencies
cd yarn install --frozen-lockfile
Edit, commit, and push changes as appropriate.
Anyone with write privileges on the repo can deploy the site to GitHub Pages using
yarn gh-deploy
This site is built using Eleventy and the templates are ported from the Mundana Jeykll theme. The Jekyll templates have been minimally adapted for use with Eleventy, and the client-side JS has been stripped and rewritten in modern Javascript so that the dependencies on jQuery, Popper, and the Bootstrap v4 JS could be dropped.