released this
21 Dec 01:36
[3.11.0] - 2023-12-21
💡 Features
(back) Migrates to strapi 4.16.0 (#1086 )
(back) Adds startingLineNumber and 'JSON' language enum to Code component
(back) Adds links cv boolean and experiences story fields (#1050 )
(back) Adds CV boolean to links field schema (#1050 )
(back) Adds custom dashboard plugin (#1053 )
(front) Post markdown alerts and image floats (#1080 ) (#1083 )
(front) Adds github-flavored markdown alerts to post type (#1083 )
(front) Adds startingLineNumber to Code component
(front) Uses rendered story field in timeline (#1050 )
(front) Renames links data object and uses cv page filter (#1050 )
(front) Renders title else domain for external markdown link titles (#1050 )
(front) Use local MetaTags component for svelte-meta-tags migration (#1074 )
(front) Migrates to SvelteKit 2 (#1072 )
(front) Adds timeline component and endDate style and animation (#1059 )
(front) Adds Timeline component (#1059 )
🐛 Bug Fixes
(ci) Corrects github inputs var reference
(docker) Removes patches dir and devDeps from docker image (#1033 )
(front) Adds ordered list style to posts (#1078 )
(front) Pins [email protected]
(front) Converts svg to solid color for safari and chrome (#1052 )
⚡️ Performance
(front) Improves performance of route servers and pages (#1061 )
(front) Improves performance of posts, icons, and links components (#1061 )
(front) Improves performance of home and general components (#1061 )
(front) Improves parser and renderer performance (#1061 )
(front) Improves data processor, util, and helper performance (#1061 )
(front) Improves post page and related component performance (#1061 )
(front) Refactors cv landing api (#1061 )
(front) Adds rollup-plugin-visualizer configuration for prod/lower (#1061 )
♻️ Refactor
(utils) Removes patch-package from CLI utils
👷 Build
(back) Removes patch-package and postinstall script
(front) Adds rollup-plugin-visualizer
💚 Continuous Integration
(github) Updates release workflow to run regression
🪮 Styling
(front) Adjusts post background and transition
(front) Adjusts hover states and breakpoints for timeline items (#1069 )
(front) Adjustments for a11y focus states (#1061 )
✅ Testing
(perf) Updates tests for perf boost delays
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
(back) Removes positions content-type and skills icon and svg fields (#1044 )
(back) Upgrades to strapi/[email protected] (#1033 )
(back) Updates to and removes patches for [email protected] (#1033 )
(back) Adds the .strapi runtime dir to .gitignore
(backstop) Updates gh-prd refs
(backstop) Updates local refs
(front) Removes Sentry from CI, documentation, utils, and frontend (#1062 )
(front) Refactor category route with [...spread] (#1061 )
(front) Updates FE deps and fixes vite vulnerability (#1055 )
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