Implemented a currency
type for the Input
Added, improved, and exposed a new component Tooltip
, originally copied from the NNS dapp.
Added a class utility to make links look like buttons. Included button class text for links.
Added and updated various icons.
Changed the NNS logo.
Added a "browser detection" page, which can be useful for debugging issues reported by consumers.
Improved mobile and desktop detection for QR Code reader mirroring.
Ignored the 1Password plugin in input fields by default.
Supported HTML messages in toast notifications.
Fixed issues with the new light theme colors.
Fixed specific Firefox issues with the new light theme colors.
Made minor adjustments to the new light and dark theme colors to reflect the design.
Removed z-index from buttons.
Increased popover max-width.
Added a mixin to solve the button with tooltip alignment issue.
Improved logo spacing in the menu.
Fetched QR Code test video from Dfinity download.
Fixed allow commit formatting changes to trigger CI.
Bumped dependencies.
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