Here is a cheat sheet of 20 frequently used Kubernetes commands, along with a detailed explanation for each of them.
Command | Explanation |
kubectl get nodes |
List all nodes in the cluster. |
kubectl get pods |
List all pods in the default namespace. |
kubectl get pods -n my-namespace |
List all pods in a specific namespace. |
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath={.items[*]} |
List the names of all pods using jsonpath. |
kubectl describe node my-node |
Detailed information about a specific node. |
kubectl describe pod my-pod |
Detailed information about a specific pod. |
kubectl logs my-pod |
Print the logs for a specific pod. |
kubectl exec my-pod -- date |
Execute a command in a specific pod (e.g., print current date). |
kubectl run my-pod --image=my-image |
Run a specific image in a new pod. |
kubectl delete pod my-pod |
Delete a specific pod. |
kubectl create -f my-config.yaml |
Create resources defined in a specific YAML file. |
kubectl apply -f my-config.yaml |
Apply changes to resources defined in a specific YAML file. |
kubectl delete -f my-config.yaml |
Delete resources defined in a specific YAML file. |
kubectl get services |
List all services in the default namespace. |
kubectl get services -n my-namespace |
List all services in a specific namespace. |
kubectl get deployments |
List all deployments in the default namespace. |
kubectl get deployments -n my-namespace |
List all deployments in a specific namespace. |
kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/my-deployment |
Scale a deployment to 3 replicas. |
kubectl rollout status deployment/my-deployment |
Check the rollout status of a specific deployment. |
kubectl rollout undo deployment/my-deployment |
Roll back the last update to a specific deployment. |
These are common commands that will help you manage your Kubernetes cluster. Please consult the Kubernetes documentation for a more detailed list and for commands specific to your use case.
Command | Explanation |
docker run image |
Run a Docker container from an image. |
docker run -it image |
Run an image in interactive mode with a terminal attached. |
docker run -d image |
Run an image in the background (detached mode). |
docker run -p 8080:80 image |
Run an image and map host port 8080 to container port 80. |
docker run -v /host/dir:/container/dir image |
Run an image with a host directory mounted into the container. |
docker ps |
List all running Docker containers. |
docker ps -a |
List all Docker containers, both running and stopped. |
docker stop container_id |
Stop a running Docker container. |
docker rm container_id |
Remove a Docker container. |
docker rmi image |
Remove a Docker image. |
docker images |
List all Docker images. |
docker pull image |
Pull a Docker image from a registry. |
docker push image |
Push a Docker image to a registry. |
docker build -t image . |
Build a Docker image from a Dockerfile in the current directory. |
docker exec -it container_id command |
Execute a command in a running Docker container. |
docker logs container_id |
Get the logs from a Docker container. |
docker network ls |
List all Docker networks. |
docker volume ls |
List all Docker volumes. |
docker login |
Log in to a Docker registry. |
docker tag image new_tag |
Tag a Docker image with a new tag. |
docker history image |
Show the history of an image, including the commands that were run to build it. |
docker inspect container_id |
Display detailed information in JSON format for a running container. |
docker search term |
Search the Docker Hub for images. |
docker save -o file.tar image |
Save an image to a tar archive. |
docker load -i file.tar |
Load an image from a tar archive. |
docker top container_id |
Display the running processes in a container. |
docker diff container_id |
Show file system changes in a container. |
docker cp container_id:/file/path /host/path |
Copy files/folders from a container to the host. |
docker commit container_id new_image |
Create a new image from a container's changes. |
docker port container_id |
Show port mapping for a container. |
docker stats container_id |
Show a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics. |
docker wait container_id |
Block until a container stops, then print its exit code. |
docker update container_id |
Update configuration of one or more containers. |
docker system df |
Display detailed information on space usage within Docker. |
docker system prune |
Remove all unused Docker objects. |
docker container ls |
List all running containers. Similar to docker ps . |
docker container rm container_id |
Remove one or more containers. Similar to docker rm . |
docker image ls |
List all images. Similar to docker images . |
docker image rm image_id |
Remove one or more images. Similar to docker rmi . |
docker network create network_name |
Create a new network. |
docker volume create volume_name |
Create a new volume. |
docker network connect network_name container_id |
Connect a network to a container. |
docker network disconnect network_name container_id |
Disconnect a network from a container. |
docker volume inspect volume_name |
Display detailed information on a specific volume. |
docker image inspect image_name |
Display detailed information on a specific image. |
docker container start container_id |
Start one or more stopped containers. |
docker container stop container_id |
Stop one or more running containers. |
docker container pause container_id |
Pause all processes within one or more containers. |
docker container unpause container_id |
Unpause all processes within one or more containers. |
docker container restart container_id |
Restart one or more containers. |
docker container kill container_id |
Kill one or more running containers. |
docker container attach container_id |
Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container. |
docker container prune |
Remove all stopped containers. |
docker image prune |
Remove unused images. |
docker container export container_id -o file.tar |
Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive. |
docker container commit container_id |
Create a new image from a container's changes. |
docker container rename old_name new_name |
Rename a container. |
docker container run -it --rm --name container_name image |
Run a command in a new container, interactively, remove the container when it stops, and name it. |
docker container exec -it container_id command |
Run a command in a running container, interactively. |
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t image . |
Build an image for multiple platforms using buildx. |
docker buildx ls |
List builder instances. |
docker buildx use builder_name |
Set the current builder instance. |
docker buildx create --use |
Create a new builder instance and switch to it. |
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap |
Inspect current builder instance. |
docker buildx rm builder_name |
Remove a builder instance. |
docker node ls |
List nodes in a swarm. |
docker swarm init |
Initialize a swarm. |
docker stack ls |
List stacks. |
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml stack_name |
Deploy a new stack or update an existing stack. |
docker stack rm stack_name |
Remove a stack. |
docker secret ls |
List secrets. |
docker secret create secret_name secret_data |
Create a secret from a file or STDIN as a single string. |
docker secret rm secret_name |
Remove one or more secrets. |
docker service create --name service_name image |
Create a new service. |
docker service ls |
List services. |
docker service rm service_name |
Remove one or more services. |
docker service scale service_name=num_replicas |
Scale one or multiple replicated services. |
docker service update service_name |
Update a service. |
docker service ps service_name |
List the tasks of one or more services. |
docker service logs service_name |
Fetch the logs of a service or task. |
docker config ls |
List configs. |
docker config create config_name file |
Create a config from a file or STDIN. |
docker config rm config_name |
Remove one or more configs. |
docker plugin ls |
List plugins. |
docker plugin install plugin_name |
Install a plugin. |
docker plugin rm plugin_name |
Remove one or more plugins. |
docker plugin enable plugin_name |
Enable a plugin. |
docker plugin disable plugin_name |
Disable a plugin. |
docker checkpoint ls container_id |
List checkpoints. |
docker checkpoint create container_id checkpoint_name |
Create a checkpoint. |
docker checkpoint rm container_id checkpoint_name |
Remove a checkpoint. |
docker system info |
Display system-wide information. |
docker system events |
Get real time events from the server. |
docker trust signer add --key signer_pub_key.pem signer_name repo/image |
Add a signer for a repository or image. |
docker trust revoke repo/image |
Revoke a signed tag. |
docker trust inspect --pretty repo/image |
Return detailed information about signatures for images. |
docker login [options] [server] |
Log in to a Docker registry server. |
docker logout [server] |
Log out from a Docker registry server. |
docker manifest create list image[:tag] [image[:tag] ...] |
Create a local manifest list for annotating and pushing to a registry. |
docker manifest inspect image[:tag] |
Display an image's manifest, or a local or remote manifest list. |
docker manifest push [options] name[:tag] |
Push a manifest list or image index to a registry. |
docker manifest annotate name[:tag] image[:tag] [options] |
Add additional information to a local image manifest or manifest list. |
docker network prune |
Remove all unused networks. |
docker volume prune |
Remove all unused volumes. |
docker image save image -o file.tar |
Save one or more images to a tar archive. |
docker image load -i file.tar |
Load an image or repository from a tar archive. |
docker image prune -a |
Remove all unused images, not just dangling ones. |
docker container port container_id |
List port mappings for the container, or specify a specific mapping. |
docker container diff container_id |
Inspect changes to files or directories on a container's filesystem. |
docker container top container_id |
Display the running processes of a container. |
docker container stats [container_id...] |
Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics. |
docker container exec -it container_id command |
Run a command in a running container. |
docker network create -d driver_name network_name |
Create a network with a specified driver. |
docker network rm network_id |
Remove one or more networks. |
docker network connect network_id container_id |
Connect a network to a container. |
docker network disconnect network_id container_id |
Disconnect a network from a container. |
docker volume create volume_name |
Create a volume. |
docker volume rm volume_name |
Remove one or more volumes. |
docker volume inspect volume_name |
Display detailed information on a specific volume. |
docker volume prune |
Remove all unused local volumes. |
docker node update --availability drain node_id |
Update a node's status to 'drain' to prepare for maintenance. |
docker node demote node_id |
Demote one or more nodes from manager in the swarm. |
docker node promote node_id |
Promote one or more nodes to manager in the swarm. |
docker swarm leave --force |
Force swarm to leave even if it is the last manager or that it will break the cluster. |
docker swarm join-token worker |
Show join command for worker. |
docker swarm join-token manager |
Show join command for manager. |