gh repo list automationrevolution --limit 1000 | while read -r repo _; do
gh repo clone "$repo" "$repo"
Certainly! Here's a Git cheat sheet with the 20 most important commands presented in a markdown table format:
Command | Description |
git init |
Initialize a new Git repository. |
git clone <repository-url> |
Clone a remote repository to your local machine. |
git add <file> |
Add changes from the working directory to the staging area. |
git commit -m "Commit message" |
Commit staged changes with a descriptive message. |
git status |
View the status of your working directory and staged files. |
git log |
Display the commit history. |
git branch |
List all branches in the repository. |
git checkout <branch> |
Switch to a different branch. |
git merge <branch> |
Merge changes from one branch into the current branch. |
git pull origin <branch> |
Fetch and merge changes from a remote repository. |
git push origin <branch> |
Push local commits to a remote repository. |
git remote -v |
List remote repositories and their URLs. |
git remote add <name> <repository-url> |
Add a new remote repository. |
git diff |
Show changes between working directory and last commit. |
git reset <file> |
Unstage changes from the staging area. |
git stash |
Temporarily save changes that are not ready to commit. |
git restore <file> |
Discard changes in working directory for a specific file. |
git branch -d <branch> |
Delete a branch locally. |
git pull --rebase origin <branch> |
Fetch and reapply commits from a remote repository. |
git tag <tag-name> |
Create a lightweight tag for a specific commit. |
git config --global <key> <value> |
Set a global Git configuration option. |
-------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
git switch <branch> |
Switch to an existing branch. |
git switch -c <new-branch> |
Create and switch to a new branch. |
git switch - |
Switch to the previously checked out branch. |
git switch -d <branch> |
Delete a local branch (if fully merged). |
git switch -c <new-branch> <start-point> |
Create a new branch starting from a specific commit or branch. |
git switch --guess |
Attempt to guess the desired local branch based on the current state. |
git switch --track <remote-branch> |
Create a new branch that tracks a remote branch. |
git switch --detach <commit> |
Detach HEAD at a specific commit, creating a 'detached HEAD' state. |
----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
git fetch <remote> |
Download objects and refs from another repository. |
git remote show <remote> |
Display detailed information about a remote repository. |
git checkout -b <new-branch> |
Create and switch to a new branch. |
git branch -a |
List all remote and local branches. |
git merge --abort |
Abort a conflicted merge operation. |
git rebase <branch> |
Reapply commits from another branch on top of current. |
git cherry-pick <commit> |
Apply a specific commit to the current branch. |
git log --oneline |
Display a simplified commit history. |
git diff <commit> <commit> |
Show changes between two specific commits. |
git remote rename <old-name> <new-name> |
Rename a remote repository. |
git rm <file> |
Remove a file from the working directory and stage. |
git tag -a <tag-name> -m "Tag message" |
Create an annotated tag with a message. |
git blame <file> |
Show who changed each line of a file and when. |
git commit --amend |
Modify the last commit message or include new changes. |
git log --graph --oneline --all |
Display a compact commit history with branch graph. |
git clean -n |
Show which untracked files will be removed. |
git remote remove <remote> |
Remove a remote repository. |
git reflog |
View a log of reference (HEAD) changes. |
git revert <commit> |
Create a new commit that undoes a specific commit. |
git reset --hard <commit> |
Reset the repository and working directory to a commit. |
---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
git submodule add <repository-url> |
Add a submodule to your repository. |
git submodule update --init |
Initialize and update submodules. |
git log --author=<author> |
Display commit history by a specific author. |
git log --since=<date> |
Show commits since a specific date. |
git log --grep=<pattern> |
Search commit messages for a specific pattern. |
git diff --cached |
Show changes in the staging area. |
git stash list |
List all stashed changes. |
git stash pop |
Apply the most recent stash and remove it from the list. |
git stash apply <stash> |
Apply a specific stash. |
git stash drop <stash> |
Remove a specific stash. |
git cherry <start-commit> <end-commit> |
Show commits in one branch that aren't in another. |
git clean -f |
Remove untracked files from the working directory. |
git log --stat |
Display the file changes in each commit. |
git rebase -i <commit> |
Interactively rebase commits and squash or edit them. |
git blame -L <start>,<end> <file> |
Annotate specific lines in a file with commit info. |
git log --since=<time> |
Show commits since a specific time (e.g., "2 weeks ago"). |
git revert --no-commit <commit> |
Revert changes from a specific commit without committing. |
git stash branch <new-branch> |
Create a new branch from a stash. |
git bisect start |
Start a binary search for a faulty commit. |
git bisect good <commit> |
Mark a commit as good in a binary search. |
git bisect bad <commit> |
Mark a commit as bad in a binary search. |