An application that allows a user to investigate every New Zealand Lotto result in detail.
📊 Balls are compartmentalised into their specific draw order and then ranked by frequency.
🎛 A "Most Frequent" section is also generated by aggregating all drawn ball frequencies regardless of draw order.
⚖ Ball combinations are ranked by size and frequency regardless of ball order.
📋 Draws are ranked in sequential order. This is a great way to cross reference combinations and ball frequencies.
You can view an interactive demo here 😊
As of release v1.1.0
Web Workers are used to shift CPU heavy computation onto another thread 🎉
The workers progress is streamed back to the main application thread and an real time indicator is shown to the user ⏱
Users can select specific ball numbers and observe their influence over the entire draw spectrum.
The draw records can also be time sliced to better understand how certain ball numbers rank at different periods in time.
Clone this repository
git clone && cd shortbread-biscuit
Install project dependencies
nvm use && npm i
Start a development server on Port 3000
npm start
Create a Production build
nvm run build
Deploy application to
nvm run deploy