A Nagios plugin to monitor the health of a clustered Splunk environment via the Splunk REST API. This plugin works with Nagios and other monitoring systems which support the Nagios plugin API.
- Relays Splunk cluster messages as warning or critical events to Nagios
- Checks if a cluster is ready to index data
- Checks if cluster search and replication factor are met
- Checks is all peers (indexers) are up
- Check license usage and alert on license violations
- Linux (Tested on RHEL6, other distributions should work)
- Splunk 6 and Splunk 6.1, version 5 is likely to work, but not tested
- Python 2.6/2.7
Note: if you are running this code on systems I have not been able to try it on, please add to the list above.
Note2: if you are trying to run this code on other systems and it doesn't work for you, feel free to contact me or open an issue for this repo.
- Make sure you have Python 2.5 or greater installed (tested with python 2.6)
- Download check_splunk_cluster.py and nagios.py and place them inside a directory on your splunk cluster master
- Copy check.cfg.example to check.cfg on your cluster master and edit the credentials used to authenticate against the REST API.
- On your cluster master, run "python ./check_splunk_cluster.py check.cfg" to validate your configuration
- Start using check_splunk_cluster.py either manually, from Nagios or any another monitoring system you like.
- Install the nrpe daemon on your Splunk cluster master node
- Add "command[check_splunk_cluster]=python //check_splunk_cluster.py //check.cfg" to your nrpe configuration, where is replaced with the absolute path where you have the scripts installed
- Add the following command to your Nagios server config:
define command {
command_name check_splunk_cluster
command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_splunk_cluster
- For every cluster you manage, add a service to your Nagios configuration like so:
define service {
use default-service
check_command check_splunk_cluster
host_name <insert-host-name-for-your-cluster-master-here>
service_description check_splunk_cluster
- Restart your Nagios server and validate if the new check is working for you!