This repository contains the in-class labs and homework instructions for the GA San Francisco Intro to Rails course.
As a reminder, the Labs are based off of what we did in class. They are there to help you solidify concepts, but are not part of your final grade. The Homework is required and part of your final grade.
- The Ruby sessions' homework is in the folder 01_ITR_HW_RUBY
- Secret Number Game HW_01 - HW_05
- Lesson 1 Labs are all in the folder 01_ITR_LABS -- The are readme files focused on setup, configuration and geting to know the terminal.
- Lesson 2 Labs are all in the folder 02_ITR_LABS -- These are ruby files that you should try to complete and execute.
- Lesson 3 Labs are all in the folder 03_ITR_LABS -- These are ruby files that you should try to complete and execute.