View for a detailed description of the project.
Last results of the workflows on master branch:
- /app :Node.JS
Check Makefile for more make commands. Some examples:
$ make compose
$ make build
$ make push API_KEY=..
$ make tf-create-workspace ENV=staging
$ make tf-init ENV=staging
$ make tf-plan ENV=staging
Go to localhost to view Docker results.
$ docker-compose up -d --build
$ docker-compose push
$ docker-compose down
[Optional] Check if Docker containers are running
$ docker container ls
Go to localhost:32100 to view Kubernetes results.
$ kubectl apply -f kubemanifests.yml
$ kubectl delete -f kubemanifests.yml
[Optional] Check if Kubernetes works:
$ kubectl get all
$ kubectl exec -it my-node-app-557d99ff59-tc57w sh
$ printenv | grep SERVICE
$ cd terraform
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
$ terraform destroy