This is the code for the Let's Code Blacksburg Arduino, Sensors, Robotics Workshop
It's This workshop steps you through building a foam board, arduino based collision-avoidance bot. See PDF instruction and code.
To get started..
1- download the PDF instrtuctions and build the bot (requires 4"x6" foam board, 2 milk jug caps, 1 soda cap, arduino, two continuous servos and a US-100 ping sensor and hto glue.)
2 - download ping_US-100_sensor.ino fist.. build/upload and THEN hook up the US-100 ping sensor (do not connect ping sensor until you have uploaded/run the code!)
3 - download the two-servo-test.ino sevo motor test code and tune forwardL, forwardR, stopL and stopR values for straight movement and solid stopping
4 - combine ping and sevo code to make autonomous bot
You should be able to code your very own collision-avoidance bot.
If you want to see a more complete version, check out the LCBB_collision-bot_complete.ino code.