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VRO RabbitMQ Strategy

Derek Fitchett edited this page Sep 4, 2024 · 12 revisions


The goal of this page is to identify the strategy that VRO implements for Partner Teams' integrations with VRO microservices via RabbitMQ. This document includes:

  • Current Drawio Document
  • VRO RabbitMQ Declaration Rules
  • VRO & Partner Team Responsibilities
    • Exchange / Queue Declarations and Bindings
  • Global Exchange / Queue Policies
  • Requests / Response Model
  • Stream / Push Model
  • Partner Team Recommendations

For more information on RabbitMQ specifics or AMQP protocol concepts, consult the documentation on the RabbitMQ website.

Architectural Diagram

The diagram below was created in Drawio, and represents the current use of RabbitMQ in the VRO microservices architecture. VRO RabbitMQ Architecture 8/16/2024

VRO RabbitMQ Rules

Naming Convention

When declaring exchanges or queues for any service the following naming convention must be used:

  • Format: <my_service>.<specific_purpose>.<more_narrow>
  • Case: snake_case Examples:
  • Requests made to the svc-bip-api to get claim details would be declared with this exchange and queue combo
    • Exchange: svc_bip_api.requests
    • Queue: svc_bip_api.get_claim_details An argument for svc_bip_api.requests.get_claim_details could be made for the queue name, however, this queue is already bound to the exchange svc_bip_api.requests, so it's redundant.

Specific Purpose

Queues and Exchanges should exist for a specific reason.

Service Exchange Declaration

The main service is responsible for declaring persistent exchanges for a specifically purposed message to be routed through.

For example svc-bip-api should be responsible for declaring it's request exchange svc_bip_api.requests.

Consumer Queue Declaration

The service that will be consuming from any particular queue is responsible for declaring that queue.

For example, svc-bip-api should be responsible for declaring queues on its request exchange svc_bip_api.requests for each of the queues it will be accepting requests on, e.g. svc_bip_api.get_claim_details, svc_bip_api.get_claim_contentions, etc. This forces services to declare queues for it's specific purpose.

Another example is svc-bgs-api declaring a queue to send healthcheck requests to and another queue to pull those responses in an effort to verify the service's connection to RabbitMQ. The healthcheck reply queue is declared by the service using it.

Passive Declaration

If a services needs to know only of the existence of a queue or exchange, it should declare the queue passively. This means that if the resource does not exist, then the service will fail to create a connection to that. This is contrast to the active declarations in the rules above, where if the resource does not exist, then it is created. By using passive declaration, the declaration rules above are enforced via code.

For example, the EP Merge application performs passive declarations of request queues/exchanges created by the svc-bip-api to field requests to downstream endpoints.

Per-Service DLX

Services should have their own dead letter exchange, and only if necessary. The DLX must be created via policy. Due to the Consumer Queue Declaration rule, it is only necessary for a service to also its own dead letter queue on that exchange if it will be consuming from that queue.

Service Specific Policies

Exchanges and Queues should not share global policies. Due to the way policies are applied to any resource (queues/exchanges), only one policy can be applied at a time. These policies are set in the definitions.json file that is loaded upon deployment of the rabbitmq service. More information on policies can be found here.

Optional Parameters for Queues and Declarations

The following properties are required to be assigned on declaration:

  • type - exchanges only
  • auto-delete
  • durable
  • exclusive - queues only
  • passive-declare

Due to the way declarations are made, optional parameters should be applied via policy to reduce the burden of deployment to a distributed environment. The main reason for setting some of these properties via policy, is deployability. For example, if message-ttl is set on the queue at declaration time for a specific queue, then every service that declares that queue for use must also set that property on declaration. If the two or more services using that queue do not declare it exactly, then only the first one to declare it will be able to connect to it, and the others will fail with a 406 (see here).

Lets say that we change all services to match the new configuration, then all those services will have to be redeployed, which we just tried to go through (painfully) with the dead letter configurations. Additionally, queues/exchanges will need to be manually deleted if any queues/exchanges were declared with autodelete=false or any cases where autodelete=true but the queue never had a consumer, or the exchange never had any bindings (meaning they will not autodelete themselves).

The docs say that its recommended that all optional parameters are set via policy:

Optional queue arguments can be set in a couple of ways:

The former option is more flexible, non-intrusive, does not require application modifications and redeployments. Therefore it is highly recommended for most users.

Additionally, there are a handful of properties that are better set at the message level on publish as opposed to at the policy level, message-ttl being on of them. By setting this at the client level, the client (publisher) is charge of how long it should wait for that message to be consumed.

For example, the EP merge app will add a message-ttl via the expires = 0 property to every request it makes to the BIP and BGS services. This means that if the BIP or BGS service is not available to consume the message, the message is dropped or dead lettered immediately, and EP merge assumes it failed, and will continue in processing the merge appropriately. If another application was willing to wait longer, they could set it to 60 seconds or whatever is appropriate for that application's logic.

VRO Microservice Responsibilities

  • declaring exchanges and their type (direct exchange, fanout exchange, topic exchange, or headers exchange)
  • declaring request queues
  • binding request queues to the exchanges
  • setting all global exchange / queue policies (Dead-letter exchanges, TTL, Queue Length Limit, etc.)
  • setting any VRO's application queue/exchange parameters that differ from VRO global policies via declarations

The following settings are expected for exchange declarations

  • must be declared durable (exchange will survive a broker restart)
  • must be auto-deleted (exchange is deleted when the last queue is unbound from it)

The following settings are expected for request queue declarations

  • must be declared durable (queue will survive a broker restart)
  • must be auto-deleted (queue that has had at least one consumer will be deleted automatically when the last consumer has unsubscribed (disconnected))
  • must not be exclusive (queue is able to have more than a single connection besides declaring service)

Partner Team Responsibilities

In order for partner teams to communicate via RabbitMQ to VRO's microservices, queues and exchanges must be declared identically to the VRO microservice that will be processing requests and supplying responses. Failure to do so will result in the applications' inability to consume or publish to an exchange/queue, and depending on the RabbitMQ library client, a runtime exception.

The following settings are expected for exchange declarations

  • must match VRO declarations for exchanges
  • must not publish messages to the default exchange

The following settings are expected for request queue declarations

  • must match VRO declarations for queues
  • setting any application response queue parameters that differ from VRO global policies via declarations

The following settings are expected for response queue declarations

  • must declare response queues as necessary
  • must bind response queues to the appropriate exchanges

Publishing request requirements

  • must provide reply_to property in request message
  • must correlate requests made to responses received by using correlation_id property in request message
    • must also keep track of those correlation_ids
  • must implement client time-out or retries policies for requests where expected response was never received
  • must provide any other message level properties such as delivery_mode, see here for more info on message level properties in request message
  • must implement any sort of publisher acknowledgements if desired

Message consumption

  • must provide manual message consumer acknowledgements, rejections, or negative acknowledgements to the server upon receiving a response message
    • must validate the correlation_id if consuming a message as a response to a request

Global Exchange / Queue Policies

TBD See policies. Consider

Request / Response Model

In order to allow multiple partner teams to utilize downstream VRO microservices, the request and response model for each of the VRO's microservices through RabbitMQ shall be consistent. Keep in mind, publishing with the correct message properties and payload is the partner team application's responsibility. It is also the responsibility of each VRO microservice to validate requests before processing, or, in the case of a pass-through service like svc-bip-api, pass the request as-is to a downstream service and report the response as reported by the downstream service.

The Request / Response Model shall be implemented only on direct exchanges.


The following structure shall be used for publishing requests to VRO microservices via RabbitMQ:

Required Message Properties

  • content_type="application/json"
  • app_id - name of calling application
  • reply_to - name of response queue if a response is desired
  • correlation_id - the string representation of a UUID assigned to a request
    • will also be returned with the response
    • used by the requestor to correlate each response to its original request

Required Payload

The required payload is determined by the VRO microservice to which the requests are routed.


Required Message Properties

  • content_type="application/json"
  • correlation_id - the string representation of a UUID used to correlate the request for which this response was made, if the request contained a correlation_id
  • app_id - id of application returning the response
  • other message properties set by RabbitMQ (see here)

Required Payload (aka. response body)

VRO microservices are responsible for determining the majority of the body of the response. The only required fields are the integer value statusCode and string value statusMessage for any type of request. The statusCode should represent a typical rest response code or the VRO microservice's defined values. The statusMessage should be a string representation of the statusCode for quick readability of the response.

If additional information regarding the status is desired, the VRO microservices is responsible for adding the optional field messages with statusCode and statusMessage. The messages field is an array of objects each containing the following fields:

  • key - required string - represents the error key identification
  • severity - required string - represents the severity of the error
  • status - optional integer - represents the HTTP status code
  • httpStatus - optional string - text representation of the response's HTTP status
  • text - optional string - text for more information
  • timestamp - optional string - ISO-8601 date-time of when error occurred

The messages construct is useful for services like the svc-bip-api where the response might be directly passed through another downstream service.

Example payloads

Response for a request that does not have any additional fields in response body


Response for a request that resulted in a 500


Response for a request that resulted in a 500 with additional error information included

   "messages": [
         "text":"Something happened downstream..."

Response for a request to a service that also returns an array of results


Stream / Push Model

TBD - be sure to mention "The Stream / Push Model shall be implemented only on fanout exchanges."

Partner Team Recommendations

Partner teams are welcome to implement their own solutions, provided that those solutions adhere to the information presented above. If there are any questions or concerns, contact the VRO team.

For parter teams implementing their application in python using the Request / Response Model, they can use a solution that follows this strategy by utilizing the hoppy library for asynchronous request/response patterns with a client that has configurable RabbitMQ connection parameters, retries and timeout policies, queue and exchange declarations, and more!

Additional Considerations

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