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Health data assessment containers

Julian Bregstone edited this page Feb 8, 2023 · 8 revisions

Health data assessment "Queue-Processors"

The code for the PDF generation and health data assessment is in the python-service folder. Each folder is designed to run inside its own docker container and communicate with other parts of the application using RabbitMQ. In general, the assessment services loop through a Veterans health data (medications, observation, conditions, procedures etc) and pull out anything relevant to a claimed contention ("relevant" can mean anything that may help an RVSR to rate a claim). The assessment services also provide some summary statistics as meta-data for a claim that gets stored in the DB.

Assess claim 7101

This container handles all claims with contentions for hypertension (7101 VASRD). There are two queues set up by this container, health-assess.hypertension for v1 functionality and health-sufficiency-assess.hypertension for v2. The queue is named this way because the v2 queue will return a flag to describe the sufficiency of evidence for a given claim (the logic is described in 905 ). The health-sufficiency-assess.hypertension queue leads to a function that is designed to handle combined data from MAS and Lighthouse in a robust fashion. The assessment service does formatting of dates for the PDF, since it is already parsing a date as part of its core functionality. Medications, blood pressure readings and conditions are sorted by date before being returned as an evidence object. Blood pressure readings without a parse-able date are not considered because there is no feasible way of determining whether they meet the date requirements (without a lot of error-prone custom string parsing, and the vast majority of data that will be flowing through the VRO will have parse-able dates). Medications and conditions without a date are attached at the end of the sorted list of objects with dates.

Refer to this requirements documents for more detail on what evidence is returned when the claim is new or for increase.doc

Assess claim 6602

This container handles claims with contentions for asthma (6602 VASRD). On startup it creates a queue, health-assess.asthma which is only used by v1 endpoints.

All other assessment folders

The other assessment folders are included in a gradle build if it is given a special property and the docker-compose profile is set to prototype. Use the following commands to build and run those containers.

./gradlew -PenablePrototype build check docker

export COMPOSE_PROFILES=prototype


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