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lxc-web-panel Cookbook

This cookbook installs and configures LXC Web Panel application. It also installs and conigures Nginx in order to add HTTPS service layer to this application.



Tested on 11.12.8 but newer and older version should work just fine.


The following platforms have been tested with this cookbook, meaning that the recipes run on these platforms without error:

  • Ubuntu
  • Debian


  • nginx - Used to install Nginx if you need to configure HTTPS service layer.
  • chef-vault - This cookbook is used to install chef-vault and permit to the cookbook use vaults instead databags.
  • apt - It is used to configures some repositories in order to install the necesaries packages.



Key Type Description Default
['lwp']['package']['name'] String Package name lwp
['lwp']['package']['version'] String Package version
['lwp']['package']['options'] String Package install options
['lwp']['dir']['conf'] String Path of the directory where are the configuration files /etc/lwp
['lwp']['ssl']['enabled'] boolean Enable or disable SSL protocol false
['lwp']['ssl']['log']['access'] String Nginx access log file /var/log/nginx/lwp_ssl_access.log
['lwp']['log']['error'] String Nginx error log file /var/log/nginx/lwp_ssl_error.log
['lwp']['nginx']['proxy_read_timeout'] Numeric Nginx proxy read timeout value 300
['lwp']['cert']['databag']['name'] String Databag name where is located the certificate data. It could be the vault name if you are using chef-vault in order to store your sensible data. lwp
['lwp']'cert']['databag']['item'] String Databag item that contains the certificate data. It could be the vault item if you are using chef-vault in order to store your sensible data. cert
['lwp']['cert']['databag']['encrypted_file'] String The path of the encrypted file if you are using encrypted databags /etc/chef/encrypted_file
['lwp']['conf']['global']['address'] String Listen IP
['lwp']['conf']['global']['port'] String Listen port 5000
['lwp']['conf']['global']['debug'] Boolean Enable log debug false
['lwp']['conf']['global']['secret_key'] String Secret key 70c0af95a33e54292ecb095664b0fb975eb8c641
['lwp']['conf']['global']['auth'] String Auth method. The posible values are: database, ldap or pam database
['lwp']['conf']['global']['buckets'] Boolean Enable buckets feature false
['lwp']['conf']['database']['file'] String Database file path /var/lwp/lwp.db
['lwp']['conf']['htpasswd']['file'] String Htpasswd file path /var/lwp/htpasswd
['lwp']['conf']['session']['time'] String Session time 10
['lwp']['conf']['overview']['partition'] String Overview partition path /
['lwp']['conf']['storage_repository']['local'] String Local storahe repository path /var/lxc-backup
['lwp']['conf']['storage_repository']['nfs'] String NFS storage repository path /mnt/lxc-backup
['lwp']['conf']['ldap']['host'] String LDAP server host or ip
['lwp']['conf']['ldap']['port'] String LDAP server port 389
['lwp']['conf']['ldap']['ssl'] String Enable LDAP SSL protocol false
['lwp']['conf']['ldap']['base'] String LDAP base dc=example,dc=com
['lwp']['conf']['ldap']['bind_method'] String LDAP bind method. It could be: anon or user anon
['lwp']['conf']['ldap']['bind_dn'] String LDAP bind dn ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
['lwp']['conf']['ldap']['password'] String LDAP password of the user used to log in in the LDAP server auth_user_password
['lwp']['conf']['ldap']['id_mapping'] String LDAP field used to identify the user uid
['lwp']['conf']['ldap']['display_mapping'] String LDAP field used to identify the real name of the user
['lwp']['conf']['ldap']['object_class'] String LDAP objectclass to filter the users objects posixAccount
['lwp']['conf']['ldap']['required_group'] String Group of the users that could authenticate in the application
['lwp']['buckets']['buckets_host'] String Buckets server host or IP
['lwp']['conf']['buckets']['buckets_port'] String Buckets server port
['lwp']['conf']['pam']['service'] String Pam service login

NOTE: The hash ['lwp']['conf'] is used to create the configuration file, so you can add new entries in order to add configuration parameters dynamically.



This recipe installs and configures LXC Web Panel in the node.


This recipe installs and configures Nginx in order to use LXC Web Panel with HTTPS service layer.


Just include lxc-web-panel in your node's run_list:

  "run_list": [

Set the attributes in order to configure LXC Web Panel, for example:

"lwp": {
  "package": {
    "version": "0.7-18-g2747d90",
    "options": "--force-yes"
  "ssl": {
    "enabled": true
  "conf": {
    "global": {
      "auth": "ldap"
    "ldap": {
      "host": "",
      "port": 636,
      "ssl": "true",
      "base": "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
      "bind_method": "anon",
      "required_group": "lwp-users"



  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Write your change
  3. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  4. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  5. Submit a Pull Request using Github

License and Authors

Author:: Claudio Cesar Sanchez Tejeda [email protected]

Copyright:: 2014, Claudio Cesar Sanchez Tejeda

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Chef cookbook that installs and configures LXC Web Panel






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