This is a super simple template engine, just for the purpose of understanding how the template engine works.
// in js file
import View from './core/View.js'
const v = new View()
v.render('profile.html', {
name: 'Jhon',
age: 30,
address {
street: "Jhon`s Street",
number: 987
skills: ['html', 'css', 'js']
<!-- in views/profile.html -->
<h1> My name is: <& &> </h1>
<h2> I Have <& this.age &> yo </h2>
<p> My address is: <& this.addres.street &>, <& this.addres.number &> <p/>
<& for (var index in this.skills) { &>
<p> My skills is: <& this.skills[index] &> </p>
<& } &>