The DeepHealth back-end interacts with the front-end, serving various APIs. It receives a configuration from the front-end then runs a deep learning pipeline based on PyECVL and PyEDDL.
API documentation:
- Python3.6+
- git curl --
sudo apt install git curl
- Requirements for PyECVL 0.10.0+ and PyEDDL 0.14.0+
Clone and install back-end with:
cd ~
git clone
cd backend
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod u+x scripts/
Generate a new SECRET_KEY with:
python -c 'from import get_random_secret_key;print(get_random_secret_key())'
Edit the config
file to configure the application (SECRET_KEY, DB and RabbitMQ connection and other optional Django settings).
Install with: sudo apt install rabbitmq-server
and run the celery deamon with: python celery
The back-end is a web-server based on Django, so it must be initialized like any Django project.
cd ~/backend
# Apply all the migrations
python migrate
# Creating an admin user
python createsuperuser
# Initialize Django fixtures for the DB init
# This will also download ONNX weights of the models
python scripts/
# Load fixtures into the DB (default entries)
python loaddata tasks.json property.json allowedproperty.json dataset.json model.json modelweights.json auth.json
# Start the development server
python runserver <my-server>:<my-server-port>
# Start celery
python celery
Read the auth/ file for configuring the authentication backend.
Tutorials, get you started with understanding and using the back-end:
The following table contains Postman collections for practicing with the back-end.
Collection | Postman Link |
Backend API collection | |
2nd Hackathon - Pneumothorax |