#Ticket API for Clients and Vendors - REST API
REST API that serves users who want to buy tickets, cancel them and see the list of their purchased tickets.
Also it provides vendors the possibility to create, edit and delete tickets. Everything is stored and tracked
in the database.
Project is created with:
- Node.js (Typescript)
NPM libraries used un the project:
- bcrypt: 5.0.1
- cors: 2.8.5
- dotenv: 10.0.0
- express: 4.17.2
- jsonwebtoken:8.5.1
- morgan: 1.10.0
- mysql2: 2.3.3
- npm-run-all: 4.1.5
- rimraf: 3.0.2
- swagger-ui-express: 4.3.0
To run this project, MySQL database needs to be created from MySQL script
which can be found in folder tickets-api/sql-script.
###Before you can start the project, you need to create .env in /tickets-api folder and fill it with necessary data:
.env template:
DB_HOST= your database local host
DB_PORT=your database local port
DB_USER=your databse local user
DB_PASSWORD=your databse local password
###Starting server-side
$ cd ticket-api
$ npm install
$ npm run start
All users have identical password: "Password1"
To get authorization for a user, you can register your own, or use:
mail: [email protected]
password: Password1
###Swagger-UI To visit Swagger endpoint documentation visit: http://localhost:3001/api/api-docs#
###Postman collection You are also provided with postman collection in folder tickets-api/postman