HCL Connections Multi-Tenant documentation
View the documentation for product features and usage information.
Bug reports on product documentation and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/HCL-TECH-SOFTWARE/connections-doc. This is the Connections MT product documentation site, not a product support platform. All bug reports and pull requests must pertain to product documentation.
Updates may be performed only to markdown files under connections-doc/src.
- Clone the Connections MT documentation repository and create a working branch.
- Edit the markdown in connections-doc/src as needed.
- If you want to check the appearance of your changes in HTML, use the DITA Open Toolkit to build it.
- Open a Pull Request.
- Respond to review comments as needed.
- You will be notified when your changes have been merged. They will appear on the public site the next time the documentation is built.