Utility library for React Native Gesture Handler and Reanimated. As seen on the “Can it be done in React Native?” YouTube series.
yarn add react-native-redash
import { atan2 } from "react-native-redash";
atan2(y, x);
Component that displays an animation value as text.
Example usage:
<ReText text={new Value("hello world!")} style={{ color: "blue" }} />
Given an SVG Path, returns a denormalized object of values that can be used for animations on that path. From the perspective of the user, the returned value should be considered a black box. Here is an example below:
// We get the data from the SVG Path denormalized a way that can be handled with Reanimated
const path = parsePath(d);
const { y, x } = getPointAtLength(path, length);
Implementation of getPointAtLength for Reanimated.
// We get the data from the SVG Path denormalized a way that can be handled with Reanimated
const path = parsePath(d);
const { y, x } = getPointAtLength(path, length);
Interpolate from one SVG point to the other, this function assumes that each path has the same number of points.
const phone1 = "M 18 149C 18 149 25 149 25 149 25 14...";
const d = interpolatePath(slider, {
inputRange: [0, width, width * 2],
outputRange: [phone1, phone2, phone3]
return (
<Svg style={styles.svg} viewBox="0 0 100 300">
<AnimatedPath fill="black" {...{ d }} />
Interpolate from one SVG point to the other, this function assumes that each path has the same number of points.
const rhino = "M 217.765 29.683 C 225.855 29.683 ";
const elephant = "M 223.174 43.413 ...";
return (
{() =>
timing(clock, progress, {
to: 1,
duration: 2000,
easing: Easing.linear
<Svg style={styles.container} viewBox="0 0 409 280">
d={bInterpolatePath(progress, rhino, elephant)}
Convenience function for bezier curves where there is really only ever one "y" value associated with one "x" value. This function works by finding the roots of the cubic bezier curve so it might be too compute-intensive to calculate for each frame.
Transforms an angle from degrees to radians.
(deg: Node) => Node;
Transforms an angle from radians to degrees.
toDeg(rad: Node) => Node
Takes one or more nodes as input and returns the minimum of all the node's values.
This is equivalent to Animated.min
but with support for more than two parameters.
min(...args: Node[]) => Node
Takes one or more nodes as input and returns the maximum of all the node's values.
This is equivalent to Animated.min
but with support for more than two parameters.
max(...args: Node[]) => Node
Clamps a node with a lower and upper bound.
clamp(new Value(-1), 0, 100); // 0
clamp(new Value(1), 0, 100); // 1
clamp(new Value(101), 0, 100); // 100
Returns 1 if the difference between the two values is less than precision. Otherwise returns 0. Default value for the precision is 0.001.
Returns the arc-tangent of the value in radians of the given node.
We provide this function in case you are using a version of reanimated that doesn't ship atan
Beware that this function is not as precise at Math.atan()
nor Animated.atan()
atan(rad: Node) => Node
Returns the angle in the plane (in radians) between the positive x-axis and the ray from (0,0) to the point (x,y), atan2(y,x)
atan2(y: Node, x Node) => Node
Returns the arc-cosine of the value in radians of the given node.
We provide this function in case you are using a version of reanimated that doesn't ship acos
acos(y: Node, x Node) => Node
Returns the arc-sinus of the value in radians of the given node.
We provide this function in case you are using a version of reanimated that doesn't ship cos
asin(y: Node, x Node) => Node
Returns the coordinate of a cubic bezier curve.
is the length of the curve from 0 to 1. cubicBezier(0, p0, p1, p2, p3)
equals p0
and cubicBezier(1, p0, p1, p2, p3)
equals p3
and p3
are respectively the starting and ending point of the curve.
and p2
are the control points.
Tagged template for animated string values.
const { x, y } = { x: new Value(0), y: new Value(0) };
const d = string`M0,0 ${x},${y}`;
return <AnimatedPath {...{d}} />;
Returns the node from the list of nodes at the specified index. If not, it returns the notFound node.
get(values: Node[], index: Node, notFound: Node) => Node
Iterates over the node's list, returning the first element predicate returns true for. The predicate is invoked with the value argument.
find(values: Node[], predicate: (Node) => Node, notFound: Node) => Node
Returns 1 if the node's value is contained in the array of nodes, 0 otherwise.
contains(values: Node[], value: Node) => Node
useTransition(state: any, source: Node, destination: Node, duration: number, easing: EasingFunction): Node
Returns an animation value that follows a component state.
The value equals source
at the beginning of the transition and destination
at the end of the transition.
Returns an animation value that follows a component boolean state.
Convenience function to run a timing animation.
Example usage:
duration: 10 * 1000,
from: 0
to: 1,
easing: Easing.linear,
loop({ clock: Clock, duration: Node, easing: EasingFunction: boomerang? = false, autoStart? = true })
Returns an animated node that goes from 0
to 1
during the time set by duration
continuously. If the boomerang
option is set to true
, the animation goes from 0
to 1
and then from 1
to 0
in the next cycle.
Example usage:
const progress = new Value(0);
set(progress, runLoop(400, Easing.linear);
Evaluate an animation node after a certain amount of time. duration
is in milliseconds.
Example usage:
delay(set(value, 1), 250)
Convenience function to run a decay animation.
decay({ clock: Clock, value: Node, velocity: Node, deceleration: number} ): Node
Convenience function to run a spring animation.
decay({ clock: Clock, value: Node, velocity: Node, config: SpringConfig }): Node
Interpolate the node from 0 to 1 without clamping.
interpolateColor(node: Node, { inputRange, outputRange }: ColorInterpolationConfig, [colorSpace = "rgb"]): Node
Interpolate colors based on an animation value and its value range.
interpolateColor(value: Node, { inputRange: number[], outputRange: Colors }, colorSpace?: "hsv" | "rgb"): Node
Example Usage:
const from = {
r: 197,
g: 43,
b: 39,
const to = {
r: 225,
g: 176,
b: 68,
// Interpolate in default color space (HSV)
interpolateColor(x, [0, 1], [from, to]);
// Interpolate in RGB color space
interpolateColor(x, [0, 1], [from, to], "rgb");
Interpolate the node from 0 to 1 without clamping.
Select a point based on a node value and its velocity.
Convert a translateZ transformation into a scale transformation.
translateZ(perspective: Node, z: Node)
Changes the origin of the transformations.
transformOrigin(x: Node, y: Node, transformations: AnimatedTransform): Node[]
transform: transformOrigin(cx, cy, { rotateX })
Example usage with transform
const perspective = 800;
const z = new Value(100);
transform: [{ perspective }, translateZ(perspective, z)];
Returns a reanimated event handler for the ScrollView.
onScroll(contentOffset: { x?: Node; y?: Node; }) => EventNode
Example usage for a vertical ScrollView
<Animated.ScrollView onScroll={onScroll({ y: new Value(0) })} vertical />
And for a horizontal one.
<Animated.ScrollView onScroll={onScroll({ x: new Value(0) })} horizontal />
Returns a reanimated event handler for any Gesture handler event handler.
Example usage for a vertical PanGestureHandler
const translationX = new Value(0);
const state = new Value(State.UNDETERMINED);
const gestureEvent = onGestureEvent({ translationX, state })
return (
<PanGestureHandler {...gestureEvent} />
const {
} = panGestureHandler();
return (
<PanGestureHandler {...gestureEvent} />
const {
} = horizontalPanGestureHandler();
return (
<PanGestureHandler {...gestureEvent} />
const {
} = verticalPanGestureHandler();
return (
<PanGestureHandler {...gestureEvent} />
const {gestureEvent, translationX, translationY} = panGestureHandler();
return (
<PanGestureHandler {...gestureEvent} />
withSpring({ value: Node, velocity: Node, state: Value, offset: Node, config, snapPoints: Node[], onSnap: (value) => void }): Node
Decorates animated value to spring when the gesture ends.
const translateX = withSpring({
value: translationX,
velocity: velocityX,
Decorates animated value to decay when the gesture ends.
const translateX = withDecay({
value: translationX,
velocity: velocityX,
state: gestureState,
offset: offsetX
Decorates animated value to save previous offset of pan
constructor(props) {
const dragX = new Value(0);
const panState = new Value(0);
this.handlePan = event([
nativeEvent: {
translationX: dragX,
state: panState,
this.X = withOffset(dragX, panState);
Decorates animated value to save previous offset of pinch
constructor(props) {
const scale = new Value(1);
const scaleState = new Value(0);
this.handleZoom = event([
nativeEvent: {
state: panState,
this.X = preserveMultiplicativeOffset(scale, scaleState);
Decorates animated value to spring after pan
constructor(props) {
const dragX = new Value(0);
const panState = new Value(0);
const snapPoint = new Value(100);
this.handlePan = event([
nativeEvent: {
state: panState,
this.X = spring(dragX, panState, snapPoint);