Ukraine's public finance data sources
There are different levels of budget data:
- State budget
- Region budget
- City budget
There are different types of budgeted operations:
- revenue
- expenditure (spending)
- transfer
- loan
- loan return
- credit
- credit return
Fiscal Data Package tries to define a standard representation of budgeting data.
There are some state budget parsing scripts in this repository:
Actual spending data can be different from budgeted. There are different sources of spending data:
budget execution reports (spending part)
public bank transactions data (spending part) -
contracting data
The following repository contains scripts to download data:
Open contracting data standard defines the following stages of contracting:
- planning (оголошення річних планів закупівель) - будуть завантажені на
- tender (проведення процедури закупівлі) - ProZorro API та
- award (оголошення переможця) - ProZorro API та
- contract (підписання договору)
- implementation (виконання робіт, перерахування коштів) -
The following repository contains scripts to download procurement data:
Any fiscal record has an organizations receiving or spending money along with metadata.
- id (ЄДПРОУ)
- name (Офіційна назва)
- short_name (Коротка назва)
- address
- physical (фізична адреса)
- legal (юридична адреса)
- website
- bank requisites (банківські реквізити)
- bank name (назва банку)
- band id (МФО)
- account (рахунок)
According to open data act the registry of Legal Entities and Physical Entities-Entrepreneurs should be opened to public before April 2016.
But even now there are multiple sources of organizations involved:
- Вісник державних закупівель
- ЦБД ProZorro
- Edata