A simple todo-list application created as a requirement for engineering exam.
- The user should be able to register with a username and password
- Usernames must be unique across all users
- The user should be able to log in with the credentials they provided in the register endpoint
- Should return an access token that can be used for the other endpoints
- The user should only be able to access their own tasks
- The user should be able to list all tasks in the TODO list
- The user should be able to add a task to the TODO list
- The user should be able to update the details of a task in their TODO list
- The user should be able to remove a task from the TODO list
- The user should be able to reorder the tasks in the TODO list
- A task in the TODO list should be able to handle being moved more than 50 times
- A task in the TODO list should be able to handle being moved to more than one task away from its current position
- Requires python version 3.7 and above (Tested and developed on Python 3.9 on windows 11)
- Modules listed on requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Initialize database and creating database tables
python db-init.py
This command executes a script that will initialize and create the database locally. It also creates sample data for the tables.
username | password |
test1 | password1 |
test2 | password2 |
task_id | task | sort_index | user_id |
1 | buy milk | 0 | 1 |
2 | create proposal for client Co.Bus. | 1 | 1 |
3 | water the plants | 2 | 1 |
Start the application by running the main application: todolist-app.py
python todolist-app.py
Authentication can be done using a session key. Login using the login endpoint /auth/login
. Successfull login will return a session key.
The session key will be used to authenticate the succeeding request for task management by setting Authorization
header to Key <sessionKey>
Each session key expires after 10 minutes of inactivity.
'Authorization: Key a1d29210e41aade4a0fcbc38ba7842b4e9b7e2be8475ae8d'
Endpoint for creating new user account.
- username (String)
- password (String)
curl -k -X POST http://localhost:5000/auth/register -d username=johny.dela.cruz -d password=averylongpassword
Endpoint for authenticating users using username and password.
- username (String)
- password (String)
username | password |
test1 | password1 |
curl -k -X POST http://localhost:5000/auth/login -d username=test1 -d password=password1
Successful login will return a session key. Use the session key to authenticate the succceeding task-related requests. See Authentication section for more details.
"message": {
"status": "success",
"session_key": "a1d29210e41aade4a0fcbc38ba7842b4e9b7e2be8475ae8d",
"urls": {
"TaskList": "/task/list",
"TaskCreate": "/task/create",
"TaskView": "/task/view/<int:task_id>",
"TaskUpdate": "/task/update/<int:task_id>",
"TaskDelete": "/task/delete/<int:task_id>",
"TaskSetSortIndex": "/task/sort/set/<int:task_id>/",
"TaskSetSortBulk": "/task/sort/set/bulk"
"code": 200
Endpoint for listing all current user's tasks.
- None
Requires Authentication
curl -k -X GET -H "Authorization: Key {add_session_key_here}" http://localhost:5000/task/list
Successful requests returns an object of tasks for the authenticated user.
"tasks": [
"id": 1,
"task": "buy milk",
"sort_index": 0
"id": 2,
"task": "create proposal for client Co.Bus.",
"sort_index": 1
"id": 3,
"task": "water the plants",
"sort_index": 2
"code": 200
Endpoint for creating a new task for the current authenticated user.
- task (String)
Requires Authentication
curl -k -X POST -H "Authorization: Key {add_session_key_here}" http://localhost:5000/task/create -d task="Just some task here"
"message": {
"status": "success",
"content": "A new task has been added"
"code": 201
Endpoint for viewing details for a specific task.
- None
Requires Authentication
curl -k -X GET -H "Authorization: Key {add_session_key_here}" http://localhost:5000/task/view/1
"task": {
"id": 1,
"task": "buy milk",
"sort_index": 0
"code": 200
Endpoint for updating a specific task of the current authenticated user.
- task (String)
Requires Authentication
curl -k -X POST -H "Authorization: Key {add_session_key_here}" http://localhost:5000/task/update/4 -d task="Send quotation to client abc"
"message": {
"status": "success",
"content": "task (id:4) has been successfully updated.",
"task_id": 4
"code": 200
Endpoint for removing a specific task of the current authenticated user.
- None
Requires Authentication
curl -k -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Key {add_session_key_here}" http://localhost:5000/task/delete/4
"message": {
"status": "success",
"content": "task (id:4) has been successfully deleted.",
"task_id": 4
"code": 200
Endpoint for setting a new sorting position to a specific task of the current authenticated user.
- sort_index (Integer)
Requires Authentication
curl --location -k -X POST -H "Authorization: Key {add_session_key_here}" http://localhost:5000/task/sort/set/1 -d sort_index=2
"status": "success",
"message": {
"task_fields": [
"tasks": [
"create proposal for client Co.Bus.",
"water the plants",
"buy milk",
"code": 200
Endpoint for setting a new sorting position to all tasks for current authenticated user.
- task_ids (Array) - Example:
. Task IDs count must match the count of tasks. Task IDs listed must be owned by the current authenticated user.
Requires Authentication
curl --location -k -X POST -H "Authorization: Key {add_session_key_here}" http://localhost:5000/task/sort/set/bulk -d task_ids="[3,2,1]"
"message": {
"status": "success",
"task_fields": [
"tasks": [
"water the plants",
"create proposal for client Co.Bus.",
"buy milk",