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Zigbee Guide

Tim L edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 5 revisions

To get started, you may need to upgrade the Zigbee firmware. ZHA may not work with the factory installed firmware.

Updating the Zigbee Firmware:

First, make sure your ZHA is disabled, before proceeding

  1. Open the Home Assistant web page;

  2. Make sure you user profile settings page has Advanced mode enabled: 284384077-a7464637-6dd9-4567-a74b-2e00d6b32965

  3. Go to Settings -> Add-ons;

  4. Open the ADD-ON STORE and install the Silicon Labs Flasher 284385152-c079a68d-ca66-426e-828b-8624cdd382e3

  5. Configure the add-on:


ZHA Configuration:

  1. Open the Home Assistant web page;
  2. Go to Settings -> Devices and Services;
  3. Click in + ADD INTEGRATION an Zigbee Home Automation
  4. Configure: On-board EFR32MG21 Zigbee radio
  • Radio Type: EZSP
  • Device port: /dev/ttyS4
  • Baudrate : 115200
  • Hardware flow control: OFF (software)

Zigbe2MQTT Configuration:

Once you have install Mosquitto and Zigbee2MQTT Addons:

  1. Navigate to Zigbee2MQTT configuration page
  2. Add the following under Serial: settings
port: /dev/ttyS4
adapter: ezsp
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