Maintainer: Darko Gavrilovic, UofT
Date: May 3, 2018
- Ubuntu 17.10
This solution has been tested using the below applications on Windows 10 x64
- Vagrant v.2.1.0
- VirtualBox v.5.1.26r117224
- MobaXterm
- Windows 10 Pro v.10.0.17134 N/A Build 17134
- R
- R-Studio
- R packages
- Text editor
Install MobaXterm on Windows
- set session to
- host:
- port: 2222
- user: vagrant
- password: path to private_key file. (e.g. ..vagrant\machines\sta130\virtualbox\private_key)
- make a directory on your machine. Preferably under C:\ or My Documents
- install git, Vagrant, VirtualBox and MobaXterm
- cd to directory
- type
git clone
- type
vagrant up
- Once the machine is ready, type
vagrant ssh
to log into the machine - type
vagrant halt
to shutdown the machine.
When the course is done, you can remove the machine
- type
vagrant global-status
to get the id of the machine - type
vagrant destroy $id -f
to remove the machine - remove Vagrant, VirtualBox, MobaXterm and delete the folder
TODO Tasks:
- get full list of R packages
- try to get this to work with a secure NFS share for the Vagrant sync folder
- can you use Jypiter for this as a addon?
- test to try to see if can work with other X11 packages such as Qwartz
- add this to the chass site as work
- Try to package a complete install as a Vagrant box file