- In Praise of Shadows [milan]
- K-Hole brand reports
- Propaganda of Pantone: Color and Subcultural Sublimation [ltwp]
- The Last Lifestyle Magazine (Kinfolk) [zech]
- Edmund Burke - The Origins of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful
- Snackwave: A Comprehensive Guide To The Internet’s Saltiest Meme
- Freud - Civilization and its Discontents
- Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
- Ursula Le Guin - Those Who Walk Away From Omelas
- Nietzsche - Genealogy of Morals
- Dialectic of Enlightenment
- On the Genealogy of Morals part 1: Meet Dr Nietzsche
- Wes Cecil
- Society of the Spectacle [frnsys]
- Chris Novello's Computer Utopias Syllabus
- Immaterial Design [bearwhale]
- What We Talk About When We Talk About What We Talk About When We Talk About Making [ltwp]
- Reading List [ltwp]
- Design is a Bureaucrat [gav]
- The Web's Grain [jyngo]
- How to Write a History of Writing Software
- design, social systems
- Designing Culture [ltwp]
- The Worldly Philosophers [frnsys]
- A history of utopias in America [frnsys]
- Elinor Ostrom & The Commons
- New York After Rent [zech]
- The Value of Nothing
- Varoufakis's Foundations of Economics [frnsys]
- Reflections on the Guillotine [haley]
- Men Explain Things To Me [haley]
- Places Journal Reading Lists [morgane]
- The End of Days is Coming— Just Not to China [morgane]
- Deep Time of the Media [milan]
- [Anna Anthropy - Video Games and Trans Identity](Anna Anthropy, video games and trans identity)
- The State of the Art [frnsys]
- Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem
- Story of Your Life
- Death Acceptance Reading Lists [morgane]
- “The Bound Man” [devin]
- [Zhuangzi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhuangzi_(book)
- Autobiography of Red [jschear]
- Scary Negroes With Guns [gav]
- The Tyranny of Structurelessness [zech]
- Xenofeminism [morgane]
- To Keep and Bear Arms [gav]
- Walter Benjamin, Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction [gav]
- Four Futures⏳ [frnsys]
- Trans Body’s Path in 8 Folds [brook]
- The Establishment Conservative's Guide to the Alt Right
- MouthBreathing Machiavellis
- members of the frankfurt school, how facism happened
- The Silicon Ideology
- The Frankfurt school, Part 1: why did Anders Breivik fear them?
- Evading the twin traps of positive thinking and nihilistic despair
- Life-hacks of the poor and aimless
- Moral Mazes [frnsys]