An awesome responsive light system for drums.
- Very cool drums. Better if it are DIY with upciclyng materials.
- Arduino Nano (or any other fiiting arduino)
- 1 USB cable fitting your arduino connector.
- 2 1 Mega Ohm resistors
- 2 Piezo discs
- 2 potentiometes
- Strips of WS2812B Leds (or anny other smart addressable leds, changes in code needed).
- 1 Momentry switch
- A power bank or any other source of portble power source. Other componets needed depending of the power source.
- Arduino IDE (I use 1.8.1)
- FastLed 3.1
- Button, by Michael Adams
Piezo 1:
- Black to common ground
- Red to Arduino A0
Piezo 2:
- Black to common ground
- Red to Arduino A1
- In parallel with Piezo 1 and piezo 2
- Lead A to +5V
- Lead B to commond ground
- Cursor to Arduino A3 (pot 1) and Arduino A4 (pot 2)
- Side A to commond ground
- Side B to Arduino D3
Led Strips
- GND to common ground
- DIN to Arduino D6 (Strip 1) and Arduino D7 (Strip 2)
- VIN to Arduino +5v
Note that depending of the numbers of LEDs and power drawn by leds can be a bad idea power them directly from the Arduino.
Let's Play.